Payload | Analog 0x10 Analog configuration frame |
Description | Analog 0x10 Analog configuration frame. Tag Analog associated to the device.
Following reception of a downlink frame with the code 0x01 or on switching to the operating mode (from the Park or Command Mode), the next frame (0x10) representing the application configuration of the product is transmitted |
Example : | |
Input | 104248000203A1DD01 |
Output |
{"type":"0x10 Analog configuration","status":{"frameCounter":2,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":false,"alarmChannelA":false,"alarmChannelB":false},"transmissionPeriodKeepAlive":{"unit":"m","value":720},"transmissionPeriodData":{"unit":"m","value":0},"channels":[{"name":"channel A","id":0,"type":"4-20mA","threshold":"both","externalTrigger":{"type":"none","debounceDuration":{"unit":"s","value":0}}},{"name":"channel B","id":10,"type":"0-10V","threshold":"low","externalTrigger":{"type":"both","debounceDuration":{"unit":"s","value":60}}}],"productMode":"PRODUCTION"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Analog configuration
- 0x11 Analog configuration
- 0x12 Analog configuration
- 0x13 Analog configuration
- 0x14 Analog configuration
- 0x20 network configuration
- 0x30 Analog keep alive
- 0x42 Analog data
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
transmissionPeriodKeepAlive |
Period |
Transmission period of the Keep Alive frame. |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
transmissionPeriodData |
Period |
periodicity of the transmission, expressed in tens of minutes |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
channels |
Array |
Channels list : configuration of the events on channels |
channel |
Channel |
Channel | |
String |
channel name | |
int |
free Id from 0 to 15 |
channel.type |
String |
type : values can be: deactivated, 0-10V or 4-20mA |
channel.threshold |
String |
threshold : values can be: none, low, high or both |
channel.externalTrigger |
ExternalTrigger |
Trigger by digital input |
externalTrigger.type |
String |
type : values can be: none, low, high or both |
externalTrigger.debounceDuration |
Duration |
Duration of the waiting period |
duration.value |
int |
Period duration |
duration.unit |
String |
Duration value: can be ms, s or min |
productMode |
String |
Product mode. Values can be: PRODUCTION, PARK, TEST or DEAD |
Payload | Analog 0x11 Analog configuration frame |
Description | Analog 0x11 Analog configuration frame. Tag Analog associated to the device.
Following the frame 0x10 |
Example : | |
Input | 1140000000000000 |
Output |
{"type":"0x11 Analog configuration","status":{"frameCounter":2,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"alarmChannelA":false,"alarmChannelB":false},"threshold":{"name":"channel A","unit":"µV or 10 nA","high":{"value":0,"hysteresis":0}}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Analog configuration
- 0x11 Analog configuration
- 0x12 Analog configuration
- 0x13 Analog configuration
- 0x14 Analog configuration
- 0x20 network configuration
- 0x30 Analog keep alive
- 0x42 Analog data
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
threshold |
Threshold |
threshold for frames 0x11, 0x12, 0x13 and 0x14 | |
String |
channel name |
threshold.unit |
String |
unit, only one value : |
threshold.high |
ThresholdValue |
High threshold value channel |
thresholdValue.value |
int |
threshold value channel, depending of channel type - 4-20mA : 400,000 - 2,000,000
- 0-10V : 0 - 10,000,000
thresholdValue.hysteresis |
int |
threshold hysteresis of channel, depending of channel type - 4-20mA : 0 - 1,600,000
- 0-10V : 0 - 10,000,000
threshold.low |
ThresholdValue |
Low threshold value channel |
thresholdValue.value |
int |
threshold value channel, depending of channel type - 4-20mA : 400,000 - 2,000,000
- 0-10V : 0 - 10,000,000
thresholdValue.hysteresis |
int |
threshold hysteresis of channel, depending of channel type - 4-20mA : 0 - 1,600,000
- 0-10V : 0 - 10,000,000
Payload | Analog 0x12 Analog configuration frame |
Description | Analog 0x12 Analog configuration frame. Tag Analog associated to the device.
Following the frame 0x11 |
Example : | |
Input | 1240000000000000 |
Output |
{"type":"0x12 Analog configuration","status":{"frameCounter":2,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"alarmChannelA":false,"alarmChannelB":false},"threshold":{"name":"channel A","unit":"µV or 10 nA","low":{"value":0,"hysteresis":0}}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Analog configuration
- 0x11 Analog configuration
- 0x12 Analog configuration
- 0x13 Analog configuration
- 0x14 Analog configuration
- 0x20 network configuration
- 0x30 Analog keep alive
- 0x42 Analog data
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
threshold |
Threshold |
threshold for frames 0x11, 0x12, 0x13 and 0x14 | |
String |
channel name |
threshold.unit |
String |
unit, only one value : |
threshold.high |
ThresholdValue |
High threshold value channel |
thresholdValue.value |
int |
threshold value channel, depending of channel type - 4-20mA : 400,000 - 2,000,000
- 0-10V : 0 - 10,000,000
thresholdValue.hysteresis |
int |
threshold hysteresis of channel, depending of channel type - 4-20mA : 0 - 1,600,000
- 0-10V : 0 - 10,000,000
threshold.low |
ThresholdValue |
Low threshold value channel |
thresholdValue.value |
int |
threshold value channel, depending of channel type - 4-20mA : 400,000 - 2,000,000
- 0-10V : 0 - 10,000,000
thresholdValue.hysteresis |
int |
threshold hysteresis of channel, depending of channel type - 4-20mA : 0 - 1,600,000
- 0-10V : 0 - 10,000,000
Payload | Analog 0x13 Analog configuration frame |
Description | Analog 0x13 Analog configuration frame. Tag Analog associated to the device.
Following the frame 0x12 |
Example : | |
Input | 1380061A80186A00 |
Output |
{"type":"0x13 Analog configuration","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"alarmChannelA":false,"alarmChannelB":false},"threshold":{"name":"channel B","unit":"µV or 10 nA","high":{"value":400000,"hysteresis":1600000}}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Analog configuration
- 0x11 Analog configuration
- 0x12 Analog configuration
- 0x13 Analog configuration
- 0x14 Analog configuration
- 0x20 network configuration
- 0x30 Analog keep alive
- 0x42 Analog data
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
threshold |
Threshold |
threshold for frames 0x11, 0x12, 0x13 and 0x14 | |
String |
channel name |
threshold.unit |
String |
unit, only one value : |
threshold.high |
ThresholdValue |
High threshold value channel |
thresholdValue.value |
int |
threshold value channel, depending of channel type - 4-20mA : 400,000 - 2,000,000
- 0-10V : 0 - 10,000,000
thresholdValue.hysteresis |
int |
threshold hysteresis of channel, depending of channel type - 4-20mA : 0 - 1,600,000
- 0-10V : 0 - 10,000,000
threshold.low |
ThresholdValue |
Low threshold value channel |
thresholdValue.value |
int |
threshold value channel, depending of channel type - 4-20mA : 400,000 - 2,000,000
- 0-10V : 0 - 10,000,000
thresholdValue.hysteresis |
int |
threshold hysteresis of channel, depending of channel type - 4-20mA : 0 - 1,600,000
- 0-10V : 0 - 10,000,000
Payload | Analog 0x14 Analog configuration frame |
Description | Analog 0x14 Analog configuration frame. Tag Analog associated to the device.
Following the frame 0x13 |
Example : | |
Input | 14C01E8480989680 |
Output |
{"type":"0x14 Analog configuration","status":{"frameCounter":6,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"alarmChannelA":false,"alarmChannelB":false},"threshold":{"name":"channel B","unit":"µV or 10 nA","low":{"value":2000000,"hysteresis":10000000}}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Analog configuration
- 0x11 Analog configuration
- 0x12 Analog configuration
- 0x13 Analog configuration
- 0x14 Analog configuration
- 0x20 network configuration
- 0x30 Analog keep alive
- 0x42 Analog data
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
threshold |
Threshold |
threshold for frames 0x11, 0x12, 0x13 and 0x14 | |
String |
channel name |
threshold.unit |
String |
unit, only one value : |
threshold.high |
ThresholdValue |
High threshold value channel |
thresholdValue.value |
int |
threshold value channel, depending of channel type - 4-20mA : 400,000 - 2,000,000
- 0-10V : 0 - 10,000,000
thresholdValue.hysteresis |
int |
threshold hysteresis of channel, depending of channel type - 4-20mA : 0 - 1,600,000
- 0-10V : 0 - 10,000,000
threshold.low |
ThresholdValue |
Low threshold value channel |
thresholdValue.value |
int |
threshold value channel, depending of channel type - 4-20mA : 400,000 - 2,000,000
- 0-10V : 0 - 10,000,000
thresholdValue.hysteresis |
int |
threshold hysteresis of channel, depending of channel type - 4-20mA : 0 - 1,600,000
- 0-10V : 0 - 10,000,000
Payload | Analog 0x20 Network configuration information frame |
Description | Analog 0x20 Network configuration information frame. Tag Analog associated to the device.
Following reception of a downlink frame with the code 0x02 or on switching to the operating mode (from the Park or Command Mode), the next frame (0x20) representing the network configuration of the product is transmitted |
Example : | |
Input | 20420000 |
Output |
{"type":"0x20 Configuration","status":{"frameCounter":2,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":false,"alarmChannelA":false,"alarmChannelB":false},"loraAdr":false,"loraProvisioningMode":"ABP"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Analog configuration
- 0x11 Analog configuration
- 0x12 Analog configuration
- 0x13 Analog configuration
- 0x14 Analog configuration
- 0x20 network configuration
- 0x30 Analog keep alive
- 0x42 Analog data
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
loraAdr |
Boolean |
Activation of the ADR : true if ON, false if OFF |
loraProvisioningMode |
String |
Mode of activation : value can be ABP or OTAA (default value |
loraClassMode |
String |
ClassMode : values can be CLASS A or CLASS C. |
Payload | Analog 0x30 Keep Alive frame |
Description | Analog 0x30 Keep Alive frame. Tag Analog associated to the device.
This frame (0x30) is transmitted only in the event mode at the frequency defined by register 300 |
Example : | |
Input | 3080020186A0010186A0 |
Output |
{"type":"0x30 Analog keep alive","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"alarmChannelA":false,"alarmChannelB":false},"channels":[{"name":"channel A","unit":"mA","value":1},{"name":"channel B","unit":"V","value":0.1}]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Analog configuration
- 0x11 Analog configuration
- 0x12 Analog configuration
- 0x13 Analog configuration
- 0x14 Analog configuration
- 0x20 network configuration
- 0x30 Analog keep alive
- 0x42 Analog data
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
channels |
Array |
List of channels : configuration of the events on channels |
channel |
Channel |
Channel | |
String |
channel name |
channel.unit |
String |
unit |
channel.value |
float |
value measured on channel |
Payload | Analog 0x42 Data Frame |
Description | Analog 0x42 Data Frame. Tag Analog associated to the device.
This frame (0x42) contains the values measured on the different sensors |
Example : | |
Input | 4280020186A0010186A0 |
Output |
{"type":"0x42 Analog data","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"alarmChannelA":false,"alarmChannelB":false},"channels":[{"name":"channel A","unit":"mA","value":1},{"name":"channel B","unit":"V","value":0.1}]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Analog configuration
- 0x11 Analog configuration
- 0x12 Analog configuration
- 0x13 Analog configuration
- 0x14 Analog configuration
- 0x20 network configuration
- 0x30 Analog keep alive
- 0x42 Analog data
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
channels |
Array |
List of channels : configuration of the events on channels |
channel |
Channel |
Channel | |
String |
channel name |
channel.unit |
String |
unit |
channel.value |
float |
value measured on channel |
Payload | Breath 0x10 (configuration) frame parser |
Description | Breath 0x1f Digital Input Configuration. Tag Breath associated to the device.
This frame is sent at the start-up of the device (except when it is a reboot after a downlink). |
Example : | |
Input | 1000010001003C01025800 |
Output |
{"type":"0x10 Breath configuration","status":{"frameCounter":0,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"sensorError":false},"dailyFrameActivated":true,"numberOfHistorizationBeforeSending":1,"historyPeriod":{"unit":"s","value":60},"alarmRepeatActivated":true,"alarmRepeatPeriod":{"unit":"s","value":600},"redundantSamples":0}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Breath configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Breath Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x51 digital input 1 (button) alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6d Breath data
- 0x6e Breath alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.sensorError |
boolean |
True if : Error reading a sensor or poor sensor health status |
dailyFrameActivated |
Boolean |
Daily frame transmission ( 0: Deactivated / 1: Activated) |
numberOfHistorizationBeforeSending |
int |
Transmission period of the periodic frame |
historyPeriod |
Period |
History period |
period.unit |
String |
Unit |
period.value |
int |
Value |
alarmRepeatActivated |
Boolean |
Alarm repeat enable |
alarmRepeatPeriod |
Period |
Alarm repeat period |
period.unit |
String |
Unit |
period.value |
int |
Value |
redundantSamples |
int |
Number of additional (redundant) samples per frame |
Payload | Breath 0x1f Digital Input Configuration |
Description | Breath configuration frame parser. Tag Breath associated to the device.
This frame is sent following the reception of a frame with code 0x01, or at the start of the product. |
Example : | |
Input | 1f20410001410001 |
Output |
{"type":"0x1f digital input configuration","status":{"frameCounter":1,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"sensorError":false},"digitalInput1":{"type":"highEdge","debouncingPeriod":{"unit":"ms","value":100},"threshold":1},"digitalInput2":{"type":"highEdge","debouncingPeriod":{"unit":"ms","value":100},"threshold":1}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Breath configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Breath Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x51 digital input 1 (button) alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6d Breath data
- 0x6e Breath alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.sensorError |
boolean |
True if : Error reading a sensor or poor sensor health status |
digitalInput1 |
DigitalInput |
Configuration of Digital Input 1 (Button) |
digitalInput.type |
String |
Digital Input type. Values can be deactivated when off, highEdge when event ON, lowEdge when event OFF, or bothEdges when event ON/OFF |
digitalInput.debouncingPeriod |
DebouncingPeriod |
Debouncing period |
debouncingPeriod.unit |
String |
miliseconds |
debouncingPeriod.value |
int |
Debouncing period value |
digitalInput.threshold |
int |
Button alarm threshold value : when the detection counter becomes greater than this threshold, an alarm is triggered |
digitalInput2 |
DigitalInput |
Configuration Digital Input 2 (Alarm) |
digitalInput.type |
String |
Digital Input type. Values can be deactivated when off, highEdge when event ON, lowEdge when event OFF, or bothEdges when event ON/OFF |
digitalInput.debouncingPeriod |
DebouncingPeriod |
Debouncing period |
debouncingPeriod.unit |
String |
miliseconds |
debouncingPeriod.value |
int |
Debouncing period value |
digitalInput.threshold |
int |
Button alarm threshold value : when the detection counter becomes greater than this threshold, an alarm is triggered |
Payload | Breath 0x20 Configuration frame |
Description | Breath 0x20 Configuration frame. Tag Breath associated to the device.
Frame of information on the network configuration |
Example : | |
Input | 20C40101 |
Output |
{"type":"0x20 Configuration","status":{"frameCounter":6,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"sensorError":true},"loraAdr":true,"loraProvisioningMode":"OTAA","loraDutycyle":"deactivated","loraClassMode":"CLASS A"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Breath configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Breath Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x51 digital input 1 (button) alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6d Breath data
- 0x6e Breath alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.sensorError |
boolean |
True if : Error reading a sensor or poor sensor health status |
loraAdr |
Boolean |
Activation of the ADR : true if ON, false if OFF |
loraProvisioningMode |
String |
Mode of activation : value can be ABP or OTAA (default value) |
loraClassMode |
String |
ClassMode : values can be CLASS A or CLASS C. |
loraDutycyle |
String |
Dutycyle : values can be activated or deactivated |
Payload | Breath 0x30 Daily frame |
Description | Breath 0x30 Daily frame. Tag Breath associated to the device.
This frame is sent every 24 hours |
Example : | |
Input | 3080000804D30066000500010020000400010001001900030002000100140002 |
Output |
{"type":"0x30 Daily frame","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"sensorError":false},"tvoc":{"min":{"unit":"µg/m3","value":8},"max":{"unit":"µg/m3","value":1235},"average":{"unit":"µg/m3","value":102},"duration":{"unit":"min","value":5}},"pm10":{"min":{"unit":"µg/m3","value":1},"max":{"unit":"µg/m3","value":32},"average":{"unit":"µg/m3","value":4},"duration":{"unit":"min","value":1}},"pm25":{"min":{"unit":"µg/m3","value":1},"max":{"unit":"µg/m3","value":25},"average":{"unit":"µg/m3","value":3},"duration":{"unit":"min","value":2}},"pm1":{"min":{"unit":"µg/m3","value":1},"max":{"unit":"µg/m3","value":20},"average":{"unit":"µg/m3","value":2}}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Breath configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Breath Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x51 digital input 1 (button) alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6d Breath data
- 0x6e Breath alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.sensorError |
boolean |
True if : Error reading a sensor or poor sensor health status |
tvoc |
ReadingDetailsDuration |
Readings of TVOC particulate matter |
readingDetailsDuration.min |
ReadingValue |
Minimum value of readings |
readingValue.unit |
String |
Unit |
readingValue.value |
int |
Value |
readingDetailsDuration.max |
ReadingValue |
Maxinum value of readings |
readingValue.unit |
String |
Unit |
readingValue.value |
int |
Value |
readingDetailsDuration.average |
ReadingValue |
Average value of readings |
readingValue.unit |
String |
Unit |
readingValue.value |
int |
Value |
readingDetailsDuration.duration |
ReadingValue |
Duration above threshold |
readingValue.unit |
String |
Unit |
readingValue.value |
int |
Value |
pm10 |
ReadingDetailsDuration |
Readings of PM10 particulate matter |
readingDetailsDuration.min |
ReadingValue |
Minimum value of readings |
readingValue.unit |
String |
Unit |
readingValue.value |
int |
Value |
readingDetailsDuration.max |
ReadingValue |
Maxinum value of readings |
readingValue.unit |
String |
Unit |
readingValue.value |
int |
Value |
readingDetailsDuration.average |
ReadingValue |
Average value of readings |
readingValue.unit |
String |
Unit |
readingValue.value |
int |
Value |
readingDetailsDuration.duration |
ReadingValue |
Duration above threshold |
readingValue.unit |
String |
Unit |
readingValue.value |
int |
Value |
pm25 |
ReadingDetailsDuration |
Readings of PM2.5 particulate matter |
readingDetailsDuration.min |
ReadingValue |
Minimum value of readings |
readingValue.unit |
String |
Unit |
readingValue.value |
int |
Value |
readingDetailsDuration.max |
ReadingValue |
Maxinum value of readings |
readingValue.unit |
String |
Unit |
readingValue.value |
int |
Value |
readingDetailsDuration.average |
ReadingValue |
Average value of readings |
readingValue.unit |
String |
Unit |
readingValue.value |
int |
Value |
readingDetailsDuration.duration |
ReadingValue |
Duration above threshold |
readingValue.unit |
String |
Unit |
readingValue.value |
int |
Value |
pm1 |
ReadingDetailsShort |
Readings of PM1 particulate matter |
readingDetailsShort.min |
ReadingValue |
Minimum value of readings |
readingValue.unit |
String |
Unit |
readingValue.value |
int |
Value |
readingDetailsShort.max |
ReadingValue |
Maxinum value of readings |
readingValue.unit |
String |
Unit |
readingValue.value |
int |
Value |
readingDetailsShort.average |
ReadingValue |
Average value of readings |
readingValue.unit |
String |
Unit |
readingValue.value |
int |
Value |
Payload | Breath 0x33 Set Register Status |
Description | Breath 0x33 Set Register Status. Tag Breath associated to the device.
Response frame following an update of register(s) via downlink |
Example : | |
Input | 3380040140 |
Output |
{"type":"0x33 Set register status","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"sensorError":false},"requestStatus":"errorInvalidRegister","registerId":320}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Breath configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Breath Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x51 digital input 1 (button) alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6d Breath data
- 0x6e Breath alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.sensorError |
boolean |
True if : Error reading a sensor or poor sensor health status |
requestStatus |
String |
Request status. Values can be: - errorOtherReason
- success
- successNoUpdate
- errorCoherency
- errorInvalidRegister
- errorInvalidValue
- errorAccessNotAllowed
registerId |
int |
Indicates to the user the register that caused the error, only if requestStatus is different from success. |
Payload | Breath 0x37 Software version frame |
Description | Breath 0x37 Software version. Tag Breath associated to the device.
This frame is sent at the start of the product only if KARE+ is enabled. |
Example : | |
Input | 3720020100020001 |
Output |
{"type":"0x37 Software version","status":{"frameCounter":1,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"sensorError":false},"appVersion":"2.1.0","rtuVersion":"2.0.1"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Breath configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Breath Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x51 digital input 1 (button) alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6d Breath data
- 0x6e Breath alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.sensorError |
boolean |
True if : Error reading a sensor or poor sensor health status |
appVersion |
String |
APP version |
rtuVersion |
String |
RTU version |
Payload | Breath 0x51 Breath Digital Input 1 Alarm |
Description | Breath 0x51 Breath Digital Input 1 Alarm. Tag Breath associated to the device.
This frame is sent when the number of detected events exceeds the threshold. |
Example : | |
Input | 51a0010000017E0001 |
Output |
{"type":"0x51 digital input 1 alarm","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"sensorError":false},"state":{"previousFrame":false,"current":true},"counter":{"global":382,"instantaneous":1}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Breath configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Breath Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x51 digital input 1 (button) alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6d Breath data
- 0x6e Breath alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.sensorError |
boolean |
True if : Error reading a sensor or poor sensor health status |
state |
State |
State |
state.previousFrame |
boolean |
State of the digital input when sending the previous frame : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
state.current |
boolean |
Current state of the digital input : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
counter |
Counter |
Counters | |
int |
Global counter of the digital input |
counter.instantaneous |
int |
Instantaneous counter of the digital input |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Breath 0x52 Breath Digital Input 2 Alarm |
Description | Breath 0x52 Breath Digital Input 2 Alarm. Tag Breath associated to the device.
This frame is sent when the number of detected events exceeds the threshold. |
Example : | |
Input | 52a0010000017E0001 |
Output |
{"type":"0x52 digital input 2 alarm","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"sensorError":false},"state":{"previousFrame":false,"current":true},"counter":{"global":382,"instantaneous":1}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Breath configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Breath Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x51 digital input 1 (button) alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6d Breath data
- 0x6e Breath alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.sensorError |
boolean |
True if : Error reading a sensor or poor sensor health status |
state |
State |
State |
state.previousFrame |
boolean |
State of the digital input when sending the previous frame : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
state.current |
boolean |
Current state of the digital input : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
counter |
Counter |
Counters | |
int |
Global counter of the digital input |
counter.instantaneous |
int |
Instantaneous counter of the digital input |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Breath 0x6e Breath alarm |
Description | Breath 0x6e Breath alarm. Tag Breath associated to the device.
This frame is sent when the number of detected events exceeds the threshold. |
Example : | |
Input | 6E800502DB000C00070003 |
Output |
{"type":"0x6e Breath alarm","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"sensorError":false},"tvoc":{"alarmStatus":"active","unit":"µg/m3","value":731},"pm10":{"alarmStatus":"inactive","unit":"µg/m3","value":12},"pm25":{"alarmStatus":"active","unit":"µg/m3","value":7},"pm1":{"alarmStatus":"inactive","unit":"µg/m3","value":3}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Breath configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Breath Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x51 digital input 1 (button) alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6d Breath data
- 0x6e Breath alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.sensorError |
boolean |
True if : Error reading a sensor or poor sensor health status |
tvoc |
Alarm |
Alarm status for TVOC sensor |
alarm.alarmStatus |
String |
Alarm status: values can be active or inactive. |
alarm.unit |
String |
Unit of sensor reading |
alarm.value |
int |
Value of sensor reading |
pm10 |
Alarm |
Alarm status for PM10 sensor |
alarm.alarmStatus |
String |
Alarm status: values can be active or inactive. |
alarm.unit |
String |
Unit of sensor reading |
alarm.value |
int |
Value of sensor reading |
pm25 |
Alarm |
Alarm status for PM2.5 sensor |
alarm.alarmStatus |
String |
Alarm status: values can be active or inactive. |
alarm.unit |
String |
Unit of sensor reading |
alarm.value |
int |
Value of sensor reading |
pm1 |
Alarm |
Alarm status for PM1 sensor |
alarm.alarmStatus |
String |
Alarm status: values can be active or inactive. |
alarm.unit |
String |
Unit of sensor reading |
alarm.value |
int |
Value of sensor reading |
Payload | Breath 0x6d Breath data |
Description | Breath 0x6d Breath data. Tag Breath associated to the device.
Periodic data frame |
Example : | |
Input | 6D8001B3003E001E001401B3003E001E0014 |
Output |
{"type":"0x6d Breath periodic data","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"sensorError":false},"decodingInfo":"values: [t\u003d0, t-1, t-2, ...]","tvoc":{"unit":"µg/m3","values":[435,435]},"pm10":{"unit":"µg/m3","values":[62,62]},"pm25":{"unit":"µg/m3","values":[30,30]},"pm1":{"unit":"µg/m3","values":[20,20]}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Breath configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Breath Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x51 digital input 1 (button) alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6d Breath data
- 0x6e Breath alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.sensorError |
boolean |
True if : Error reading a sensor or poor sensor health status |
decodingInfo |
String |
Values information: cvalues: [t=0, t-1, t-2, ...] |
tvoc |
ReadingValues |
Reading values of TVOC particulate matter |
readingValues.unit |
String |
Unit |
readingValues.values |
Array |
Values in array |
pm10 |
ReadingValues |
Reading values of PM10 particulate matter |
readingValues.unit |
String |
Unit |
readingValues.values |
Array |
Values in array |
pm25 |
ReadingValues |
Reading values of PM2.5 particulate matter |
readingValues.unit |
String |
Unit |
readingValues.values |
Array |
Values in array |
pm1 |
ReadingValues |
Reading values of PM1 particulate matter |
readingValues.unit |
String |
Unit |
readingValues.values |
Array |
Values in array |
Payload | Comfort 0x10 Comfort configuration frame |
Description | Comfort 0x10 Comfort configuration frame. Tag comfort associated to the device.
When switching to operating mode (PARK or COMMAND mode output), this frame representing the application configuration of the device is transmitted |
Example : | |
Input | 100021c000030002012c |
Output |
{"type":"0x10 Comfort configuration","status":{"frameCounter":0,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"transmissionPeriodKeepAlive":{"unit":"s","value":86400},"numberOfHistorizationBeforeSending":3,"numberOfSamplingBeforeHistorization":2,"samplingPeriod":{"unit":"s","value":600},"calculatedPeriodRecording":{"unit":"s","value":1200},"calculatedSendingPeriod":{"unit":"s","value":3600}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
transmissionPeriodKeepAlive |
Period |
Transmission period of the Keep Alive frame. |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
numberOfHistorizationBeforeSending |
int |
Transmission period of the periodic frame |
numberOfSamplingBeforeHistorization |
int |
History period |
samplingPeriod |
Period |
Sampling period |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
calculatedPeriodRecording |
Period |
Calculated period recording |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
calculatedSendingPeriod |
Period |
Calculated sending period |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
redundantSamples |
int |
Number of additional (redundant) samples per frame |
dailyFrameActivated |
Boolean |
True if daily frame transmission is activated |
Payload | Comfort 0x1f Digital Input Configuration |
Description | Comfort 0x1f Digital Input Configuration. Tag comfort associated to the device.
This frame is sent at the start-up of the device (except when it is a reboot after a downlink). |
Example : | |
Input | 1f20410001410001 |
Output |
{"type":"0x1f digital input configuration","status":{"frameCounter":1,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"digitalInput1":{"type":"highEdge","debouncingPeriod":{"unit":"ms","value":100},"threshold":1},"digitalInput2":{"type":"highEdge","debouncingPeriod":{"unit":"ms","value":100},"threshold":1}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
digitalInput1 |
DigitalInput |
Configuration of the button (Digital Input 1) |
digitalInput.type |
String |
Digital Input type. Values can be deactivated when off, highEdge when event ON, lowEdge when event OFF, or bothEdges when event ON/OFF |
digitalInput.debouncingPeriod |
DebouncingPeriod |
Debouncing period |
debouncingPeriod.unit |
String |
milliseconds |
debouncingPeriod.value |
int |
Debouncing period value |
digitalInput.threshold |
int |
Button alarm threshold value : when the detection counter becomes greater than this threshold, an alarm is triggered |
digitalInput2 |
DigitalInput |
Configuration of the button (Digital Input 2) |
digitalInput.type |
String |
Digital Input type. Values can be deactivated when off, highEdge when event ON, lowEdge when event OFF, or bothEdges when event ON/OFF |
digitalInput.debouncingPeriod |
DebouncingPeriod |
Debouncing period |
debouncingPeriod.unit |
String |
milliseconds |
debouncingPeriod.value |
int |
Debouncing period value |
digitalInput.threshold |
int |
Button alarm threshold value : when the detection counter becomes greater than this threshold, an alarm is triggered |
Payload | Comfort 0x20 Configuration |
Description | Comfort 0x20 Configuration. Tag comfort associated to the device.
Information frame on Network configuration |
Example : | |
Input | 20a00501 |
Output |
{"type":"0x20 Configuration","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"loraAdr":true,"loraProvisioningMode":"OTAA","loraDutycyle":"activated","loraClassMode":"CLASS A"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
loraAdr |
Boolean |
Activation of the ADR : true if ON, false if OFF |
loraProvisioningMode |
String |
Mode of activation : value can be ABP or OTAA (default value |
loraClassMode |
String |
ClassMode : values can be CLASS A or CLASS C. |
loraDutycyle |
String |
Dutycycle : values can be activated or deactivated |
Payload | Comfort 0x30 Keep alive |
Description | Comfort 0x30 Keep alive. Tag comfort associated to the device.
Keep alive frame |
Example : | |
Input | 30A0 |
Output |
{"type":"0x30 Keep alive","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
icone |
int |
ICONE indicator (0-5) |
qaiRedDuration |
Duration |
Duration above QAI red indicator. Min 0, max 24 hours) |
duration.value |
int |
Duration |
duration.unit |
String |
Time unit |
temperatureMax |
Temperature |
Temperature max. |
temperature.value |
Number |
Temperature value |
temperature.unit |
String |
°C |
temperatureMin |
Temperature |
Temperature min. |
temperature.value |
Number |
Temperature value |
temperature.unit |
String |
°C |
temperatureAverage |
Temperature |
Temperature average. |
temperature.value |
Number |
Temperature value |
temperature.unit |
String |
°C |
co2Max |
Co2 |
Co2 max. |
co2.value |
int |
Co2 value |
co2.unit |
String |
ppm |
co2Min |
Co2 |
Co2 min. |
co2.value |
int |
Co2 value |
co2.unit |
String |
ppm |
co2Average |
Co2 |
Co2 average. |
co2.value |
int |
Co2 value |
co2.unit |
String |
ppm |
humidityMax |
Humidity |
Humidity max. |
humidity.value |
int |
Humidity value |
humidity.unit |
String |
% |
humidityMin |
Humidity |
Humidity min. |
humidity.value |
int |
Humidity value |
humidity.unit |
String |
% |
humidityAverage |
Humidity |
Humidity average. |
humidity.value |
int |
Humidity value |
humidity.unit |
String |
% |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Comfort 0x33 Set Register Status |
Description | Comfort 0x33 Set Register Status. Tag comfort associated to the device.
Response frame following an update of register(s) via downlink |
Example : | |
Input | 3380040140 |
Output |
{"type":"0x33 Set register status","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"requestStatus":"errorInvalidRegister","registerId":320}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
requestStatus |
String |
Request status. Values can be: - errorOtherReason
- success
- successNoUpdate
- errorCoherency
- errorInvalidRegister
- errorInvalidValue
- errorTruncatedValue
- errorAccesNotAllowed
registerId |
int |
Indicates to the user the register that caused the error, only if requestStatus is different from success. |
Payload | Comfort 0x4c Comfort Data |
Description | Comfort 0x4c Comfort Data. Tag comfort associated to the device.
Periodic data frame |
Example : | |
Input | 4c2000c51f00c72000c82100ca2200cc2300cd24 |
Output |
{"type":"0x4c Comfort data","status":{"frameCounter":1,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"decodingInfo":"values: [t\u003d0, t-1, t-2, ...]","temperature":{"unit":"°C","values":[19.7,19.9,20,20.2,20.4,20.5]},"humidity":{"unit":"%","values":[31,32,33,34,35,36]}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
decodingInfo |
String |
List of temperatures : t0, t-1, t-2, t-3,t-4, t-5, t-6 |
temperature |
Temperatures |
Sensor Temperatures |
temperatures.unit |
String |
Degrees Celcius |
temperatures.values |
Array |
Temperature values in array |
humidities.unit |
String |
Pourcents |
humidities.values |
Array |
Humidity values in array |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Comfort 0x4d Comfort Alarm |
Description | Comfort 0x4d Comfort Alarm. Tag comfort associated to the device.
Temperature and humidity alarm frame |
Example : | |
Input | 4dc010010832 |
Output |
{"type":"0x4d Comfort alarm","status":{"frameCounter":6,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"alarmTemperature":{"alarmStatus":"active","temperature":{"unit":"°C","value":26.4}},"alarmHumidity":{"alarmStatus":"inactive","humidity":{"unit":"%","value":50}}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
alarmTemperature |
AlarmTemperature |
Temperature alarm |
alarmTemperature.alarmStatus |
String |
Alarm status. Values can be active when thresholds are exceeded, or inactive when thresholds are not reached |
alarmTemperature.temperature |
Temperature |
Temperature |
temperature.unit |
String |
Degrees Celcius |
temperature.value |
Number |
Temperature value | |
String |
Name | |
Number |
Id |
alarmHumidity |
AlarmHumidity |
Humidity alarm |
alarmHumidity.alarmStatus |
String |
Alarm status. Values can be active when thresholds are exceeded, or inactive when thresholds are not reached |
alarmHumidity.humidity |
Humidity |
Humidity |
humidity.unit |
String |
Pourcents |
humidity.value |
int |
Humidity value |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Comfort 0x51 Comfort Digital Input 1 Alarm |
Description | Comfort 0x51 Comfort Digital Input 1 Alarm. Tag comfort associated to the device.
Digital Input Digital Input 1 button alarm frame |
Example : | |
Input | 51a0010000017E0001 |
Output |
{"type":"0x51 digital input 1 alarm","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"state":{"previousFrame":false,"current":true},"counter":{"global":382,"instantaneous":1}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
state |
State |
State |
state.previousFrame |
boolean |
State of the digital input when sending the previous frame : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
state.current |
boolean |
Current state of the digital input : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
counter |
Counter |
Counters | |
int |
Global counter of the digital input |
counter.instantaneous |
int |
Instantaneous counter of the digital input |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Comfort 0x52 Comfort Digital Input 2 Alarm |
Description | Comfort 0x52 Comfort Digital Input 2 Alarm. Tag comfort associated to the device.
Digital Input 2 terminal block alarm frame |
Example : | |
Input | 52a0010000017E0001 |
Output |
{"type":"0x52 digital input 2 alarm","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"state":{"previousFrame":false,"current":true},"counter":{"global":382,"instantaneous":1}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
state |
State |
State |
state.previousFrame |
boolean |
State of the digital input when sending the previous frame : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
state.current |
boolean |
Current state of the digital input : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
counter |
Counter |
Counters | |
int |
Global counter of the digital input |
counter.instantaneous |
int |
Instantaneous counter of the digital input |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Comfort2 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration frame |
Description | Comfort2 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration frame. Tag comfort2 associated to the device.
This frame is sent following the reception of a frame with code 0x01, or at the start of the product. |
Example : | |
Input | 101021c000010001070801 |
Output |
{"type":"0x10 Comfort 2 configuration","status":{"frameCounter":0,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"timestamp":false},"transmissionPeriodKeepAlive":{"unit":"s","value":86400},"numberOfHistorizationBeforeSending":1,"numberOfSamplingBeforeHistorization":1,"samplingPeriod":{"unit":"s","value":3600},"redundantSamples":1,"calculatedPeriodRecording":{"unit":"s","value":3600},"calculatedSendingPeriod":{"unit":"s","value":3600}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
transmissionPeriodKeepAlive |
Period |
Transmission period of the Keep Alive frame. |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
numberOfHistorizationBeforeSending |
int |
Transmission period of the periodic frame |
numberOfSamplingBeforeHistorization |
int |
History period |
samplingPeriod |
Period |
Sampling period |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
calculatedPeriodRecording |
Period |
Calculated period recording |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
calculatedSendingPeriod |
Period |
Calculated sending period |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
redundantSamples |
int |
Number of additional (redundant) samples per frame |
dailyFrameActivated |
Boolean |
True if daily frame transmission is activated |
Payload | Comfort2 0x1f Digital Input Configuration frame |
Description | Comfort2 0x1f Digital Input Configuration. Tag comfort2 associated to the device.
This frame is sent at the start-up of the device (except when it is a reboot after a downlink). |
Example : | |
Input | 1fa0410001210001 |
Output |
{"type":"0x1f digital input configuration","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"timestamp":false},"digitalInput1":{"type":"highEdge","debouncingPeriod":{"unit":"ms","value":100},"threshold":1},"digitalInput2":{"type":"highEdge","debouncingPeriod":{"unit":"ms","value":20},"threshold":1}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
digitalInput1 |
DigitalInput |
Configuration of the button (Digital Input 1) |
digitalInput.type |
String |
Digital Input type. Values can be deactivated when off, highEdge when event ON, lowEdge when event OFF, or bothEdges when event ON/OFF |
digitalInput.debouncingPeriod |
DebouncingPeriod |
Debouncing period |
debouncingPeriod.unit |
String |
milliseconds |
debouncingPeriod.value |
int |
Debouncing period value |
digitalInput.threshold |
int |
Button alarm threshold value : when the detection counter becomes greater than this threshold, an alarm is triggered |
digitalInput2 |
DigitalInput |
Configuration of the button (Digital Input 2) |
digitalInput.type |
String |
Digital Input type. Values can be deactivated when off, highEdge when event ON, lowEdge when event OFF, or bothEdges when event ON/OFF |
digitalInput.debouncingPeriod |
DebouncingPeriod |
Debouncing period |
debouncingPeriod.unit |
String |
milliseconds |
debouncingPeriod.value |
int |
Debouncing period value |
digitalInput.threshold |
int |
Button alarm threshold value : when the detection counter becomes greater than this threshold, an alarm is triggered |
Payload | Comfort2 0x20 Configuration frame |
Description | Comfort2 0x20 Configuration. Tag comfort2 associated to the device.
Information frame on Network configuration |
Example : | |
Input | 20200501 |
Output |
{"type":"0x20 Configuration","status":{"frameCounter":1,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"timestamp":false},"loraAdr":true,"loraProvisioningMode":"OTAA","loraDutycyle":"activated","loraClassMode":"CLASS A"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
loraAdr |
Boolean |
Activation of the ADR : true if ON, false if OFF |
loraProvisioningMode |
String |
Mode of activation : value can be ABP or OTAA (default value |
loraClassMode |
String |
ClassMode : values can be CLASS A or CLASS C. |
loraDutycyle |
String |
Dutycycle : values can be activated or deactivated |
Payload | Comfort2 0x30 Keep alive frame |
Description | Comfort2 0x30 Keep alive. Tag comfort2 associated to the device.
This frame is sent after an amount of time determined by S300 register (Keep alive period), or following the reception of a frame with code 0x02. |
Example : | |
Input | 30E2 |
Output |
{"type":"0x30 Keep alive","status":{"frameCounter":7,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"timestamp":false}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
icone |
int |
ICONE indicator (0-5) |
qaiRedDuration |
Duration |
Duration above QAI red indicator. Min 0, max 24 hours) |
duration.value |
int |
Duration |
duration.unit |
String |
Time unit |
temperatureMax |
Temperature |
Temperature max. |
temperature.value |
Number |
Temperature value |
temperature.unit |
String |
°C |
temperatureMin |
Temperature |
Temperature min. |
temperature.value |
Number |
Temperature value |
temperature.unit |
String |
°C |
temperatureAverage |
Temperature |
Temperature average. |
temperature.value |
Number |
Temperature value |
temperature.unit |
String |
°C |
co2Max |
Co2 |
Co2 max. |
co2.value |
int |
Co2 value |
co2.unit |
String |
ppm |
co2Min |
Co2 |
Co2 min. |
co2.value |
int |
Co2 value |
co2.unit |
String |
ppm |
co2Average |
Co2 |
Co2 average. |
co2.value |
int |
Co2 value |
co2.unit |
String |
ppm |
humidityMax |
Humidity |
Humidity max. |
humidity.value |
int |
Humidity value |
humidity.unit |
String |
% |
humidityMin |
Humidity |
Humidity min. |
humidity.value |
int |
Humidity value |
humidity.unit |
String |
% |
humidityAverage |
Humidity |
Humidity average. |
humidity.value |
int |
Humidity value |
humidity.unit |
String |
% |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Comfort2 0x33 Set Register Status |
Description | Comfort2 0x33 Set Register Status. Tag comfort2 associated to the device.
Response frame following an update of register(s) via downlink |
Example : | |
Input | 3380040140 |
Output |
{"type":"0x33 Set register status","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"timestamp":false},"requestStatus":"errorInvalidRegister","registerId":320}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
requestStatus |
String |
Request status. Values can be: - errorOtherReason
- success
- successNoUpdate
- errorCoherency
- errorInvalidRegister
- errorInvalidValue
- errorTruncatedValue
- errorAccesNotAllowed
registerId |
int |
Indicates to the user the register that caused the error, only if requestStatus is different from success. |
Payload | Comfort2 0x37 Software version frame |
Description | Comfort2 0x37 Software version. Tag comfort2 associated to the device.
This frame is sent at the start of the product only if KARE+ is enabled. |
Example : | |
Input | 3720020100020001 |
Output |
{"type":"0x37 Software version","status":{"frameCounter":1,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"timestamp":false},"appVersion":"2.1.0","rtuVersion":"2.0.1"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
appVersion |
String |
APP version |
rtuVersion |
String |
RTU version |
Payload | Comfort2 0x4c Comfort 2 data frame |
Description | Comfort2 0x4c Comfort 2 data. Tag comfort2 associated to the device.
Periodic data frame |
Example : | |
Input | 4c8401B33E14ABA3E9 |
Output |
{"type":"0x4c Comfort 2 data","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"timestamp":true},"timestamp":"2023-12-28T19:22:17.000","decodingInfo":"values: [t\u003d0, t-1, t-2, ...]","temperature":{"unit":"°C","values":[43.5]},"humidity":{"unit":"%","values":[62]}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
decodingInfo |
String |
List of temperatures : t0, t-1, t-2, t-3,t-4, t-5, t-6 |
temperature |
Temperatures |
Sensor Temperatures |
temperatures.unit |
String |
Degrees Celcius |
temperatures.values |
Array |
Temperature values in array |
humidities.unit |
String |
Pourcents |
humidities.values |
Array |
Humidity values in array |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Comfort2 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm frame |
Description | Comfort2 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm. Tag comfort2 associated to the device.
Temperature and humidity alarm frame. This frame is sent during the appearance, or disappearance, of a threshold exceeding alarm. |
Example : | |
Input | 4d841002463214ABA3E9 |
Output |
{"type":"0x4d Comfort 2 alarm","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"timestamp":true},"timestamp":"2023-12-28T19:22:17.000","alarmTemperature":{"alarmStatus":"active","temperature":{"unit":"°C","value":58.2}},"alarmHumidity":{"alarmStatus":"inactive","humidity":{"unit":"%","value":50}}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
alarmTemperature |
AlarmTemperature |
Temperature alarm |
alarmTemperature.alarmStatus |
String |
Alarm status. Values can be active when thresholds are exceeded, or inactive when thresholds are not reached |
alarmTemperature.temperature |
Temperature |
Temperature |
temperature.unit |
String |
Degrees Celcius |
temperature.value |
Number |
Temperature value | |
String |
Name | |
Number |
Id |
alarmHumidity |
AlarmHumidity |
Humidity alarm |
alarmHumidity.alarmStatus |
String |
Alarm status. Values can be active when thresholds are exceeded, or inactive when thresholds are not reached |
alarmHumidity.humidity |
Humidity |
Humidity |
humidity.unit |
String |
Pourcents |
humidity.value |
int |
Humidity value |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Comfort2 0x51 Comfort Digital Input 1 Alarm |
Description | Comfort2 0x51 Comfort Digital Input 1 Alarm. Tag comfort2 associated to the device.
Digital Input Digital Input 1 button alarm frame |
Example : | |
Input | 51a4010000017E000114ABA3E9 |
Output |
{"type":"0x51 digital input 1 alarm","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"timestamp":true},"timestamp":"2023-12-28T19:22:17.000","state":{"previousFrame":false,"current":true},"counter":{"global":382,"instantaneous":1}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
state |
State |
State |
state.previousFrame |
boolean |
State of the digital input when sending the previous frame : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
state.current |
boolean |
Current state of the digital input : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
counter |
Counter |
Counters | |
int |
Global counter of the digital input |
counter.instantaneous |
int |
Instantaneous counter of the digital input |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Comfort2 0x52 Comfort Digital Input 2 Alarm |
Description | Comfort2 0x52 Comfort Digital Input 2 Alarm. Tag comfort2 associated to the device.
Digital Input 2 terminal block alarm frame |
Example : | |
Input | 52840100001230000314ABA3E9 |
Output |
{"type":"0x52 digital input 2 alarm","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"timestamp":true},"timestamp":"2023-12-28T19:22:17.000","state":{"previousFrame":false,"current":true},"counter":{"global":4656,"instantaneous":3}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
state |
State |
State |
state.previousFrame |
boolean |
State of the digital input when sending the previous frame : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
state.current |
boolean |
Current state of the digital input : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
counter |
Counter |
Counters | |
int |
Global counter of the digital input |
counter.instantaneous |
int |
Instantaneous counter of the digital input |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | ComfortCo2 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration frame |
Description | 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration frame. Tag comfortco2 associated to the device.
This frame is sent following the reception of a frame with code 0x01, or at the start of the product. |
Example : | |
Input | 1000000100010001070800 |
Output |
{"type":"0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration","status":{"frameCounter":0,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"timestamp":false},"dailyFrameActivated":true,"numberOfHistorizationBeforeSending":1,"numberOfSamplingBeforeHistorization":1,"samplingPeriod":{"unit":"s","value":3600},"redundantSamples":0,"calculatedPeriodRecording":{"unit":"s","value":3600},"calculatedSendingPeriod":{"unit":"s","value":3600}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
transmissionPeriodKeepAlive |
Period |
Transmission period of the Keep Alive frame. |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
numberOfHistorizationBeforeSending |
int |
Transmission period of the periodic frame |
numberOfSamplingBeforeHistorization |
int |
History period |
samplingPeriod |
Period |
Sampling period |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
calculatedPeriodRecording |
Period |
Calculated period recording |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
calculatedSendingPeriod |
Period |
Calculated sending period |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
redundantSamples |
int |
Number of additional (redundant) samples per frame |
dailyFrameActivated |
Boolean |
True if daily frame transmission is activated |
Payload | ComfortCo2 0x1f Digital Input Configuration frame |
Description | ComfortCo2 0x1f Digital Input Configuration. Tag ComfortCo2 associated to the device.
This frame is sent at the start-up of the device (except when it is a reboot after a downlink). |
Example : | |
Input | 1fa0010001210001 |
Output |
{"type":"0x1f digital input configuration","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"timestamp":false},"digitalInput1":{"type":"highEdge","debouncingPeriod":{"unit":"ms","value":0},"threshold":1},"digitalInput2":{"type":"highEdge","debouncingPeriod":{"unit":"ms","value":20},"threshold":1}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
digitalInput1 |
DigitalInput |
Configuration of the button (Digital Input 1) |
digitalInput.type |
String |
Digital Input type. Values can be deactivated when off, highEdge when event ON, lowEdge when event OFF, or bothEdges when event ON/OFF |
digitalInput.debouncingPeriod |
DebouncingPeriod |
Debouncing period |
debouncingPeriod.unit |
String |
milliseconds |
debouncingPeriod.value |
int |
Debouncing period value |
digitalInput.threshold |
int |
Button alarm threshold value : when the detection counter becomes greater than this threshold, an alarm is triggered |
digitalInput2 |
DigitalInput |
Configuration of the button (Digital Input 2) |
digitalInput.type |
String |
Digital Input type. Values can be deactivated when off, highEdge when event ON, lowEdge when event OFF, or bothEdges when event ON/OFF |
digitalInput.debouncingPeriod |
DebouncingPeriod |
Debouncing period |
debouncingPeriod.unit |
String |
milliseconds |
debouncingPeriod.value |
int |
Debouncing period value |
digitalInput.threshold |
int |
Button alarm threshold value : when the detection counter becomes greater than this threshold, an alarm is triggered |
Payload | ComfortCo2 0x20 Configuration frame |
Description | ComfortCo2 0x20 Configuration. Tag comfortco2 associated to the device.
Information frame on Network configuration |
Example : | |
Input | 20200501 |
Output |
{"type":"0x20 Configuration","status":{"frameCounter":1,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"timestamp":false},"loraAdr":true,"loraProvisioningMode":"OTAA","loraDutycyle":"activated","loraClassMode":"CLASS A"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
loraAdr |
Boolean |
Activation of the ADR : true if ON, false if OFF |
loraProvisioningMode |
String |
Mode of activation : value can be ABP or OTAA (default value |
loraClassMode |
String |
ClassMode : values can be CLASS A or CLASS C. |
loraDutycyle |
String |
Dutycycle : values can be activated or deactivated |
Payload | ComfortCo2 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame |
Description | ComfortCo2 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame. Tag comfortCO2 associated to the device.
This frame is sent after an amount of time determined by S300 register (Keep alive period), or following the reception of a frame with code 0x02. |
Example : | |
Input | 30840102000A000A0F0001000103000500050514ABA3E9 |
Output |
{"type":"0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"timestamp":true},"timestamp":"2023-12-28T19:22:17.000","icone":1,"qaiRedDuration":{"unit":"min","value":20},"temperatureMax":{"unit":"°C","value":1},"co2Max":{"unit":"ppm","value":10},"humidityMax":{"unit":"%","value":15},"temperatureMin":{"unit":"°C","value":0.1},"co2Min":{"unit":"ppm","value":1},"humidityMin":{"unit":"%","value":3},"temperatureAverage":{"unit":"°C","value":0.5},"co2Average":{"unit":"ppm","value":5},"humidityAverage":{"unit":"%","value":5}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
icone |
int |
ICONE indicator (0-5) |
qaiRedDuration |
Duration |
Duration above QAI red indicator. Min 0, max 24 hours) |
duration.value |
int |
Duration |
duration.unit |
String |
Time unit |
temperatureMax |
Temperature |
Temperature max. |
temperature.value |
Number |
Temperature value |
temperature.unit |
String |
°C |
temperatureMin |
Temperature |
Temperature min. |
temperature.value |
Number |
Temperature value |
temperature.unit |
String |
°C |
temperatureAverage |
Temperature |
Temperature average. |
temperature.value |
Number |
Temperature value |
temperature.unit |
String |
°C |
co2Max |
Co2 |
Co2 max. |
co2.value |
int |
Co2 value |
co2.unit |
String |
ppm |
co2Min |
Co2 |
Co2 min. |
co2.value |
int |
Co2 value |
co2.unit |
String |
ppm |
co2Average |
Co2 |
Co2 average. |
co2.value |
int |
Co2 value |
co2.unit |
String |
ppm |
humidityMax |
Humidity |
Humidity max. |
humidity.value |
int |
Humidity value |
humidity.unit |
String |
% |
humidityMin |
Humidity |
Humidity min. |
humidity.value |
int |
Humidity value |
humidity.unit |
String |
% |
humidityAverage |
Humidity |
Humidity average. |
humidity.value |
int |
Humidity value |
humidity.unit |
String |
% |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | ComfortCo2 0x33 Set Register Status |
Description | ComfortCo2 0x33 Set Register Status. Tag comfortco2 associated to the device.
Response frame following an update of register(s) via downlink |
Example : | |
Input | 3380040140 |
Output |
{"type":"0x33 Set register status","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"timestamp":false},"requestStatus":"errorInvalidRegister","registerId":320}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
requestStatus |
String |
Request status. Values can be: - errorOtherReason
- success
- successNoUpdate
- errorCoherency
- errorInvalidRegister
- errorInvalidValue
- errorTruncatedValue
- errorAccesNotAllowed
registerId |
int |
Indicates to the user the register that caused the error, only if requestStatus is different from success. |
Payload | ComfortCo2 0x37 Software version frame |
Description | ComfortCo2 0x37 Software version. Tag comfortCo2 associated to the device.
This frame is sent at the start of the product only if KARE+ is enabled. |
Example : | |
Input | 3720020100020001 |
Output |
{"type":"0x37 Software version","status":{"frameCounter":1,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"timestamp":false},"appVersion":"2.1.0","rtuVersion":"2.0.1"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
appVersion |
String |
APP version |
rtuVersion |
String |
RTU version |
Payload | ComfortCo2 0x51 Comfort Digital Input 1 Alarm |
Description | ComfortCo2 0x51 Comfort Digital Input 1 Alarm. Tag comfortco2 associated to the device.
Digital Input Digital Input 1 button alarm frame. This frame is sent when the number of detected events exceeds the threshold. |
Example : | |
Input | 51a4010000017E000114ABA3E9 |
Output |
{"type":"0x51 digital input 1 alarm","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"timestamp":true},"timestamp":"2023-12-28T19:22:17.000","state":{"previousFrame":false,"current":true},"counter":{"global":382,"instantaneous":1}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
state |
State |
State |
state.previousFrame |
boolean |
State of the digital input when sending the previous frame : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
state.current |
boolean |
Current state of the digital input : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
counter |
Counter |
Counters | |
int |
Global counter of the digital input |
counter.instantaneous |
int |
Instantaneous counter of the digital input |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | ComfortCo2 0x52 Comfort Digital Input 2 Alarm |
Description | ComfortCo2 0x52 Comfort Digital Input 2 Alarm. Tag comfortCo2 associated to the device.
Digital Input 2 terminal block alarm frame. This frame is sent when the number of detected events exceeds the threshold. |
Example : | |
Input | 52840100001230000314ABA3E9 |
Output |
{"type":"0x52 digital input 2 alarm","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"timestamp":true},"timestamp":"2023-12-28T19:22:17.000","state":{"previousFrame":false,"current":true},"counter":{"global":4656,"instantaneous":3}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
state |
State |
State |
state.previousFrame |
boolean |
State of the digital input when sending the previous frame : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
state.current |
boolean |
Current state of the digital input : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
counter |
Counter |
Counters | |
int |
Global counter of the digital input |
counter.instantaneous |
int |
Instantaneous counter of the digital input |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | ComfortCo2 0x6a Comfort CO2 data frame |
Description | ComfortCo2 0x6a Comfort CO2 data. Tag comfortCo2 associated to the device.
Periodic data frame |
Example : | |
Input | 6A8401B33E01A401B43F01A514ABA3E9 |
Output |
{"type":"0x6a Comfort CO2 data","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"timestamp":true},"timestamp":"2023-12-28T19:22:17.000","decodingInfo":"values: [t\u003d0, t-1, t-2, ...]","temperature":{"unit":"°C","values":[43.5,43.6]},"humidity":{"unit":"%","values":[62,63]},"co2":{"unit":"ppm","values":[420,421]}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
decodingInfo |
String |
Values information: cvalues: [t=0, t-1, t-2, ...] |
temperature |
Temperatures |
Sensor Temperatures |
temperatures.unit |
String |
°C |
temperatures.values |
Array |
Temperature values in array |
humidity |
Humidities |
Sensor Humidity values |
humidities.unit |
String |
% |
humidities.values |
Array |
Humidity values in array |
co2 |
Co2 |
Sensor Co2 values |
co2.unit |
String |
ppm |
co2.values |
Array |
Co2 values in array |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | ComfortCo2 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm frame |
Description | ComfortCo2 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm. Tag comfortCo2 associated to the device.
This frame is sent during the appearance, or disappearance, of a threshold exceeding alarm. |
Example : | |
Input | 6B801002463201A4 |
Output |
{"type":"0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"timestamp":false},"alarmTemperature":{"alarmStatus":"active","temperature":{"unit":"°C","value":58.2}},"alarmHumidity":{"alarmStatus":"inactive","humidity":{"unit":"%","value":50}},"alarmCo2":{"alarmStatus":"inactive","co2":{"unit":"ppm","value":420}}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Comfort configuration
- 0x10 Comfort 2 configuration
- 0x10 Comfort CO2 configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Comfort CO2 Daily frame
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x4c Comfort data
- 0x4c Comfort 2 data
- 0x4d Comfort alarm
- 0x4d Comfort 2 alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x6a Comfort CO2 data
- 0x6b Comfort CO2 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
alarmTemperature |
AlarmTemp |
Alarm temperature |
alarmTemp.alarmStatus |
String |
Alarm status: values can be active or inactive. |
alarmTemp.temperature |
Temperature |
Temperature value. |
temperature.unit |
String |
°C |
temperature.value |
Number |
Temperature value |
alarmHumidity |
AlarmHumidity |
Alarm humidity |
alarmHumidity.alarmStatus |
String |
Alarm status: values can be active or inactive. |
alarmHumidity.humidity |
Humidity |
Humidity value. |
humidity.unit |
String |
% |
humidity.value |
Number |
Humidity value. |
alarmCo2 |
AlarmCo2 |
Alarm co2 |
alarmCo2.alarmStatus |
String |
Alarm status: values can be active or inactive. |
alarmCo2.co2 |
Co2 |
Co2 value. |
co2.unit |
String |
ppm |
co2.value |
Number |
Co2 value |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Delta P 0x10 Delta P configuration frame |
Description | Delta P 0x10 Delta P configuration frame. Tag deltap associated to the device.
The following frame representing the application configuration of the device are transmitted when switching to operating mode (PARK or COMMAND mode output). |
Example : | |
Input | 10A321C000080012012C |
Output |
{"type":"0x10 Delta P configuration","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":true,"configurationInconsistency":false},"transmissionPeriodKeepAlive":{"unit":"s","value":86400},"numberOfHistorizationBeforeSending":8,"numberOfSamplingBeforeHistorization":18,"samplingPeriod":{"unit":"s","value":600},"calculatedPeriodRecording":{"unit":"s","value":10800},"calculatedSendingPeriod":{"unit":"s","value":86400}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Delta P configuration
- 0x11 Delta P 0-10V configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Delta P Downlink ack
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x53 Delta P periodic data
- 0x54 Delta P alarm
- 0x55 Delta P - periodic 0-10 V
- 0x56 Delta P - alarm 0-10 V
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
transmissionPeriodKeepAlive |
Period |
Transmission period of the Keep Alive frame. |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
numberOfHistorizationBeforeSending |
int |
Transmission period of the periodic frame |
numberOfSamplingBeforeHistorization |
int |
History period |
samplingPeriod |
Period |
Sampling period |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
calculatedPeriodRecording |
Period |
Calculated period recording |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
calculatedSendingPeriod |
Period |
Calculated sending period |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
Payload | Delta P 0x11 Delta P 0-10V configuration frame |
Description | Delta P 0x11 Delta P 0-10V configuration frame. Tag deltap associated to the device.
The following frame representing the application configuration of the device are transmitted when switching to operating mode (PARK or COMMAND mode output). |
Example : | |
Input | 11A30001012C0001 |
Output |
{"type":"0x11 Delta P 0-10V configuration","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":true,"configurationInconsistency":false},"numberOfHistorizationBeforeSending":1,"numberOfSamplingBeforeHistorization":1,"samplingPeriod":{"unit":"s","value":600},"calculatedPeriodRecording":{"unit":"s","value":600},"calculatedSendingPeriod":{"unit":"s","value":600}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Delta P configuration
- 0x11 Delta P 0-10V configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Delta P Downlink ack
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x53 Delta P periodic data
- 0x54 Delta P alarm
- 0x55 Delta P - periodic 0-10 V
- 0x56 Delta P - alarm 0-10 V
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
numberOfHistorizationBeforeSending |
int |
Transmission period of the periodic frame |
numberOfSamplingBeforeHistorization |
int |
History period |
samplingPeriod |
Period |
Sampling period |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
calculatedPeriodRecording |
Period |
Calculated period recording |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
calculatedSendingPeriod |
Period |
Calculated sending period |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
Payload | Delta P 0x1F Digital Input Configuration frame |
Description | Delta P 0x1F TOR Configuration frame. Tag deltap associated to the device.
The following frame, representing the configuration of the digital inputs/outputs, is transmitted when switching to operating mode (PARK or CONTROL output mode) |
Example : | |
Input | 1FA0410001000001 |
Output |
{"type":"0x1f digital input configuration","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"digitalInput1":{"type":"highEdge","debouncingPeriod":{"unit":"ms","value":100},"threshold":1},"digitalInput2":{"type":"deactivated","debouncingPeriod":{"unit":"ms","value":0},"threshold":1}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Delta P configuration
- 0x11 Delta P 0-10V configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Delta P Downlink ack
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x53 Delta P periodic data
- 0x54 Delta P alarm
- 0x55 Delta P - periodic 0-10 V
- 0x56 Delta P - alarm 0-10 V
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
digitalInput1 |
DigitalInput |
Configuration of the button (Digital Input 1) |
digitalInput.type |
String |
Digital Input type. Values can be deactivated when off, highEdge when event ON, lowEdge when event OFF, or bothEdges when event ON/OFF |
digitalInput.debouncingPeriod |
DebouncingPeriod |
Debouncing period |
debouncingPeriod.unit |
String |
milliseconds |
debouncingPeriod.value |
int |
Debouncing period value |
digitalInput.threshold |
int |
Button alarm threshold value : when the detection counter becomes greater than this threshold, an alarm is triggered |
digitalInput2 |
DigitalInput |
Configuration of the button (Digital Input 2) |
digitalInput.type |
String |
Digital Input type. Values can be deactivated when off, highEdge when event ON, lowEdge when event OFF, or bothEdges when event ON/OFF |
digitalInput.debouncingPeriod |
DebouncingPeriod |
Debouncing period |
debouncingPeriod.unit |
String |
milliseconds |
debouncingPeriod.value |
int |
Debouncing period value |
digitalInput.threshold |
int |
Button alarm threshold value : when the detection counter becomes greater than this threshold, an alarm is triggered |
Payload | Delta P 0x20 Configuration frame |
Description | Delta P 0x20 Configuration frame. Tag deltap associated to the device.
Frame of information on the network configuration |
Example : | |
Input | 20A00101 |
Output |
{"type":"0x20 Configuration","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"loraAdr":true,"loraProvisioningMode":"OTAA","loraDutycyle":"deactivated","loraClassMode":"CLASS A"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Delta P configuration
- 0x11 Delta P 0-10V configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Delta P Downlink ack
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x53 Delta P periodic data
- 0x54 Delta P alarm
- 0x55 Delta P - periodic 0-10 V
- 0x56 Delta P - alarm 0-10 V
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
loraAdr |
Boolean |
Activation of the ADR : true if ON, false if OFF |
loraProvisioningMode |
String |
Mode of activation : value can be ABP or OTAA (default value |
loraClassMode |
String |
ClassMode : values can be CLASS A or CLASS C. |
Payload | Delta P 0x2F Delta P Downlink ack frame |
Description | Delta P 0x2F Delta P Downlink ack frame. Tag deltap associated to the device.
The 0x2F frame allows the acknowledgment of a 0x60 or 0x61 frame |
Example : | |
Input | 2FA0010203040506070809 |
Output |
{"type":"0x2f Delta P Downlink ack","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"requestStatus":"success"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Delta P configuration
- 0x11 Delta P 0-10V configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Delta P Downlink ack
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x53 Delta P periodic data
- 0x54 Delta P alarm
- 0x55 Delta P - periodic 0-10 V
- 0x56 Delta P - alarm 0-10 V
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
requestStatus |
String |
Request status. Values can be: - errorOtherReason
- success
- successNoUpdate
- errorCoherency
- errorInvalidRegister
- errorInvalidValue
- errorTruncatedValue
- errorAccesNotAllowed
Payload | Delta P 0x30 Keep Alive frame |
Description | Delta P 0x30 Keep Alive frame. Tag deltap associated to the device. |
Example : | |
Input | 30A3 |
Output |
{"type":"0x30 Keep alive","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":true,"configurationInconsistency":false}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Delta P configuration
- 0x11 Delta P 0-10V configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Delta P Downlink ack
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x53 Delta P periodic data
- 0x54 Delta P alarm
- 0x55 Delta P - periodic 0-10 V
- 0x56 Delta P - alarm 0-10 V
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
Payload | Delta P 0x33 Register Value Response frame |
Description | Delta P 0x33 Register Value Response frame. Tag deltap associated to the device.
Response frame following a registry update via downlink. |
Example : | |
Input | 3380040140 |
Output |
{"type":"0x33 Set register status","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"requestStatus":"errorInvalidRegister","registerId":320}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Delta P configuration
- 0x11 Delta P 0-10V configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Delta P Downlink ack
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x53 Delta P periodic data
- 0x54 Delta P alarm
- 0x55 Delta P - periodic 0-10 V
- 0x56 Delta P - alarm 0-10 V
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
requestStatus |
String |
Request status. Values can be: - errorOtherReason
- success
- successNoUpdate
- errorCoherency
- errorInvalidRegister
- errorInvalidValue
- errorTruncatedValue
- errorAccesNotAllowed
registerId |
int |
Indicates to the user the register that caused the error, only if requestStatus is different from success. |
Payload | Delta P 0x51 Delta P Digital Input 1 Alarm |
Description | Delta P 0x51 Delta P Digital Input 1 Alarm. Tag deltap associated to the device.
Digital Input 1 button alarm frame |
Example : | |
Input | 51a0010000017E0001 |
Output |
{"type":"0x51 digital input 1 alarm","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"state":{"previousFrame":false,"current":true},"counter":{"global":382,"instantaneous":1}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Delta P configuration
- 0x11 Delta P 0-10V configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Delta P Downlink ack
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x53 Delta P periodic data
- 0x54 Delta P alarm
- 0x55 Delta P - periodic 0-10 V
- 0x56 Delta P - alarm 0-10 V
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
state |
State |
State |
state.previousFrame |
boolean |
State of the digital input when sending the previous frame : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
state.current |
boolean |
Current state of the digital input : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
counter |
Counter |
Counters | |
int |
Global counter of the digital input |
counter.instantaneous |
int |
Instantaneous counter of the digital input |
Payload | Delta P 0x52 Delta P Digital Input 2 Alarm |
Description | Delta P 0x52 Delta P Digital Input 2 Alarm. Tag deltap associated to the device.
Digital Input 2 terminal block |
Example : | |
Input | 52a0010000017E0001 |
Output |
{"type":"0x52 digital input 2 alarm","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"state":{"previousFrame":false,"current":true},"counter":{"global":382,"instantaneous":1}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Delta P configuration
- 0x11 Delta P 0-10V configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Delta P Downlink ack
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x53 Delta P periodic data
- 0x54 Delta P alarm
- 0x55 Delta P - periodic 0-10 V
- 0x56 Delta P - alarm 0-10 V
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
state |
State |
State |
state.previousFrame |
boolean |
State of the digital input when sending the previous frame : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
state.current |
boolean |
Current state of the digital input : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
counter |
Counter |
Counters | |
int |
Global counter of the digital input |
counter.instantaneous |
int |
Instantaneous counter of the digital input |
Payload | Delta P 0x53 Delta P Pressure Delta |
Description | Delta P 0x53 Delta P Pressure Delta. Tag deltap associated to the device.
This frame is sent according to the interval chosen by the user (period = S321xS320xS301) and contains the periodic data of the observed pressure delta. |
Example : | |
Input | 53A3012C01400190012E |
Output |
{"type":"0x53 Delta P periodic data","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":true,"configurationInconsistency":false},"decodingInfo":"values: [t\u003d0, t-1, t-2, ...]","deltaPressure":{"unit":"pa","values":[300,320,400,302]}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Delta P configuration
- 0x11 Delta P 0-10V configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Delta P Downlink ack
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x53 Delta P periodic data
- 0x54 Delta P alarm
- 0x55 Delta P - periodic 0-10 V
- 0x56 Delta P - alarm 0-10 V
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
decodingInfo |
String |
values: [t=0, t-1, t-2, ...] |
deltaPressure |
DeltaPressure |
Sensor Pressure delta |
deltaPressure.unit |
String |
Pascal |
deltaPressure.values |
Array |
Pressure delta values in array |
Payload | Delta P 0x54 Delta P Pressure Delta Alarm |
Description | Delta P 0x54 Delta P Pressure Delta Alarm. Tag deltap associated to the device.
This frame is sent when a threshold defined by the configuration of register 330 for the pressure delta alarm is exceeded. |
Example : | |
Input | 54A3010190 |
Output |
{"type":"0x54 Delta P alarm","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":true,"configurationInconsistency":false},"alarmStatus":"active","deltaPressure":{"unit":"pa","value":400}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Delta P configuration
- 0x11 Delta P 0-10V configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Delta P Downlink ack
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x53 Delta P periodic data
- 0x54 Delta P alarm
- 0x55 Delta P - periodic 0-10 V
- 0x56 Delta P - alarm 0-10 V
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
alarmStatus |
String |
Alarm status. Values can be active when thresholds are exceeded, or inactive when thresholds are not reached |
deltaPressure |
DeltaPressure |
Sensor Pressure delta |
deltaPressure.unit |
String |
Pascal |
deltaPressure.value |
Number |
Pressure delta value |
Payload | Delta P 0x55 Delta P Analogic Entry Data |
Description | Delta P 0x55 Delta P Analogic Entry Data. Tag deltap associated to the device.
This frame is sent according to the period chosen by the user (period = S323xS322xS324) and contains the periodic data of the 0-10 V analog input. |
Example : | |
Input | 55A32710251C25802710 |
Output |
{"type":"0x55 Delta P - periodic 0-10 V","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":true,"configurationInconsistency":false},"decodingInfo":"values: [t\u003d0, t-1, t-2, ...]","voltage":{"unit":"mV","values":[10000,9500,9600,10000]}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Delta P configuration
- 0x11 Delta P 0-10V configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Delta P Downlink ack
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x53 Delta P periodic data
- 0x54 Delta P alarm
- 0x55 Delta P - periodic 0-10 V
- 0x56 Delta P - alarm 0-10 V
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
decodingInfo |
String |
values: [t=0, t-1, t-2, ...] |
voltage |
Voltage |
Measurement 0-10V |
voltage.unit |
String |
MilliVolts |
voltage.values |
Array |
Measurement 0-10V values in array |
Payload | Delta P 0x56 Delta P Analogic Entry Alarm |
Description | Delta P 0x56 Delta P Analogic Entry Alarm. Tag deltap associated to the device.
Alarm frame for analog input alarm 0-10 V. This frame is sent when a threshold defined by the configuration of register 350 for the 0-10 V input alarm is exceeded. |
Example : | |
Input | 56A30111C6 |
Output |
{"type":"0x56 Delta P - alarm 0-10 V","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":true,"configurationInconsistency":false},"alarmStatus":"active","voltage":{"unit":"mV","value":4550}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Delta P configuration
- 0x11 Delta P 0-10V configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Delta P Downlink ack
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x53 Delta P periodic data
- 0x54 Delta P alarm
- 0x55 Delta P - periodic 0-10 V
- 0x56 Delta P - alarm 0-10 V
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
alarmStatus |
String |
Alarm status. Values can be active when thresholds are exceeded, or inactive when thresholds are not reached |
voltage |
Voltage |
Measurement 0-10V |
voltage.unit |
String |
MilliVolts |
voltage.value |
Number |
Measurement 0-10V value |
Payload | Dry Contacts 0x10 Product Configuration frame |
Description | Dry Contacts 0x10 Product Configuration frame. Tag dc associated to the device.
Following reception of a downlink frame with the code 0x10 or on switching to the operating mode (from the Park or Command Mode), the
next frames (0x10 to 0x14) representing the application configuration of the product are transmitted |
Example : | |
Input | 10AB90487300B43201 |
Output |
{"type":"0x10 Dry Contacts configuration","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":true},"productMode":"PRODUCTION","keepAlivePeriod":{"unit":"m","value":1440},"transmitPeriod":{"unit":"m","value":720},"channelA":{"type":"inputPeriodic","edge":"both","debounceDuration":{"unit":"s","value":1}},"channelB":{"type":"disabled"},"channelC":{"type":"inputEvent","edge":"high","debounceDuration":{"unit":"s","value":20}},"channelD":{"type":"inputPeriodic","edge":"low","debounceDuration":{"unit":"ms","value":50}}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Dry Contacts configuration
- 0x10 Dry Contacts 2 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Dry Contacts 2 keep alive
- 0x40 Dry Contacts data
- 0x40 Dry Contacts 2 data
- 0x41 Dry Contacts 2 duration alarm
- 0x59 Dry Contacts 2 time counting data
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
productMode |
String |
Product mode. Values can be: |
keepAlivePeriod |
DcPeriod |
Periodicity of the Keep Alive |
dcPeriod.value |
int |
Period |
dcPeriod.unit |
String |
Period unit |
transmitPeriod |
DcPeriod |
Periodicity of transmission |
dcPeriod.value |
int |
Period |
dcPeriod.unit |
String |
Period unit |
channelA |
Channel |
Configuration of the input Channel 1 |
channel.type |
String |
Mode type. Values can be: disabled, input, inputPeriodic, inputEvent, output |
channel.edge |
String |
Edge. Values can be: high, low, both |
channel.debounceDuration |
DcPeriod |
Debounce duration |
dcPeriod.value |
int |
Period |
dcPeriod.unit |
String |
Period unit |
channel.value |
int |
If configured as an input (event or Periodic mode), contains the value of the event counter of Input Channel |
channel.currentState |
Boolean |
Current state |
channel.previousFrameState |
Boolean |
State at the sending of the previous frame |
channelB |
Channel |
Configuration of the input Channel 2 |
channel.type |
String |
Mode type. Values can be: disabled, input, inputPeriodic, inputEvent, output |
channel.edge |
String |
Edge. Values can be: high, low, both |
channel.debounceDuration |
DcPeriod |
Debounce duration |
dcPeriod.value |
int |
Period |
dcPeriod.unit |
String |
Period unit |
channel.value |
int |
If configured as an input (event or Periodic mode), contains the value of the event counter of Input Channel |
channel.currentState |
Boolean |
Current state |
channel.previousFrameState |
Boolean |
State at the sending of the previous frame |
channelC |
Channel |
Configuration of the input Channel 3 |
channel.type |
String |
Mode type. Values can be: disabled, input, inputPeriodic, inputEvent, output |
channel.edge |
String |
Edge. Values can be: high, low, both |
channel.debounceDuration |
DcPeriod |
Debounce duration |
dcPeriod.value |
int |
Period |
dcPeriod.unit |
String |
Period unit |
channel.value |
int |
If configured as an input (event or Periodic mode), contains the value of the event counter of Input Channel |
channel.currentState |
Boolean |
Current state |
channel.previousFrameState |
Boolean |
State at the sending of the previous frame |
channelD |
Channel |
Configuration of the input Channel 4 |
channel.type |
String |
Mode type. Values can be: disabled, input, inputPeriodic, inputEvent, output |
channel.edge |
String |
Edge. Values can be: high, low, both |
channel.debounceDuration |
DcPeriod |
Debounce duration |
dcPeriod.value |
int |
Period |
dcPeriod.unit |
String |
Period unit |
channel.value |
int |
If configured as an input (event or Periodic mode), contains the value of the event counter of Input Channel |
channel.currentState |
Boolean |
Current state |
channel.previousFrameState |
Boolean |
State at the sending of the previous frame |
Payload | Dry Contacts 0x20 Configuration frame |
Description | Dry Contacts 0x20 Configuration frame. Tag dc associated to the device.
Frame of information on the network configuration |
Example : | |
Input | 20C40101 |
Output |
{"type":"0x20 Configuration","status":{"frameCounter":6,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false},"loraAdr":true,"loraProvisioningMode":"OTAA"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Dry Contacts configuration
- 0x10 Dry Contacts 2 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Dry Contacts 2 keep alive
- 0x40 Dry Contacts data
- 0x40 Dry Contacts 2 data
- 0x41 Dry Contacts 2 duration alarm
- 0x59 Dry Contacts 2 time counting data
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
loraAdr |
Boolean |
Activation of the ADR : true if ON, false if OFF |
loraProvisioningMode |
String |
Mode of activation : value can be ABP or OTAA (default value |
loraDutycyle |
String |
Dutycycle : values can be activated or deactivated |
loraClassMode |
String |
ClassMode : values can be CLASS A or CLASS C. |
Payload | Dry Contacts 0x30 Keep Alive frame |
Description | Dry Contacts 0x30 Keep Alive frame. Tag dc associated to the device.
This frame (0x30) is only issued when the different digital outputs are configured in the event mode or in output and at the frequency defined
by register 300 |
Example : | |
Input | 30E7 |
Output |
{"type":"0x30 Keep alive","status":{"frameCounter":7,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":true}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Dry Contacts configuration
- 0x10 Dry Contacts 2 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Dry Contacts 2 keep alive
- 0x40 Dry Contacts data
- 0x40 Dry Contacts 2 data
- 0x41 Dry Contacts 2 duration alarm
- 0x59 Dry Contacts 2 time counting data
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
channelA |
Channel |
Channel 1 info if configured in input mode |
channel.state |
boolean |
Current state : true when ON/CLOSED, false when OFF/OPEN |
channel.value |
int |
Gloabal event counter |
channelB |
Channel |
Channel 2 info if configured in input mode |
channel.state |
boolean |
Current state : true when ON/CLOSED, false when OFF/OPEN |
channel.value |
int |
Gloabal event counter |
channelC |
Channel |
Channel 3 info if configured in input mode |
channel.state |
boolean |
Current state : true when ON/CLOSED, false when OFF/OPEN |
channel.value |
int |
Gloabal event counter |
channelD |
Channel |
Channel 4 info if configured in input mode |
channel.state |
boolean |
Current state : true when ON/CLOSED, false when OFF/OPEN |
channel.value |
int |
Gloabal event counter |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Dry Contacts 0x40 Data frame |
Description | Dry Contacts 0x40 Data frame. Tag dc associated to the device.
This frame (0x40) contains the values measured on the different digital outputs. |
Example : | |
Input | 400800F10002000100009C |
Output |
{"type":"0x40 Dry Contacts data","status":{"frameCounter":0,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false},"decodingInfo":"true: ON/CLOSED, false: OFF/OPEN","channelA":{"value":241,"currentState":false,"previousFrameState":false},"channelB":{"value":2,"currentState":true,"previousFrameState":true},"channelC":{"value":1,"currentState":true,"previousFrameState":false},"channelD":{"value":0,"currentState":false,"previousFrameState":true}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Dry Contacts configuration
- 0x10 Dry Contacts 2 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Dry Contacts 2 keep alive
- 0x40 Dry Contacts data
- 0x40 Dry Contacts 2 data
- 0x41 Dry Contacts 2 duration alarm
- 0x59 Dry Contacts 2 time counting data
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
decodingInfo |
String |
True: ON/CLOSED, false: OFF/OPEN |
channelA |
Channel |
Configuration of the input Channel 1 |
channel.value |
int |
If configured as an input (event or Periodic mode), contains the value of the event counter of Input Channel |
channel.currentState |
Boolean |
Current state |
channel.previousFrameState |
Boolean |
State at the sending of the previous frame |
channelB |
Channel |
Configuration of the input Channel 2 |
channel.value |
int |
If configured as an input (event or Periodic mode), contains the value of the event counter of Input Channel |
channel.currentState |
Boolean |
Current state |
channel.previousFrameState |
Boolean |
State at the sending of the previous frame |
channelC |
Channel |
Configuration of the input Channel 3 |
channel.value |
int |
If configured as an input (event or Periodic mode), contains the value of the event counter of Input Channel |
channel.currentState |
Boolean |
Current state |
channel.previousFrameState |
Boolean |
State at the sending of the previous frame |
channelD |
Channel |
Configuration of the input Channel 4 |
channel.value |
int |
If configured as an input (event or Periodic mode), contains the value of the event counter of Input Channel |
channel.currentState |
Boolean |
Current state |
channel.previousFrameState |
Boolean |
State at the sending of the previous frame |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Dry Contacts 2 0x10 Product Configuration frame |
Description | Dry Contacts 2 0x10 Product Configuration frame. Tag drycontacts2 associated to the device.
Following reception of a downlink frame with the code 0x10 or on switching to the operating mode (from the Park or Command Mode), the
next frames (0x10 to 0x14) representing the application configuration of the product are transmitted |
Example : | |
Input | 100021C0000043B43201 |
Output |
{"type":"0x10 Dry Contacts 2 configuration","status":{"frameCounter":0,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"timestamp":false},"keepAlivePeriod":{"unit":"s","value":86400},"transmitPeriod":{"unit":"s","value":0},"channelA":{"type":"input","edge":"both","debounceDuration":{"unit":"ms","value":100}},"channelB":{"type":"output"},"channelC":{"type":"input","edge":"low","debounceDuration":{"unit":"ms","value":50}},"channelD":{"type":"input","edge":"high","debounceDuration":{"unit":"s","value":0}}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Dry Contacts configuration
- 0x10 Dry Contacts 2 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Dry Contacts 2 keep alive
- 0x40 Dry Contacts data
- 0x40 Dry Contacts 2 data
- 0x41 Dry Contacts 2 duration alarm
- 0x59 Dry Contacts 2 time counting data
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
productMode |
String |
Product mode. Values can be: |
keepAlivePeriod |
DcPeriod |
Periodicity of the Keep Alive |
dcPeriod.value |
int |
Period |
dcPeriod.unit |
String |
Period unit |
transmitPeriod |
DcPeriod |
Periodicity of transmission |
dcPeriod.value |
int |
Period |
dcPeriod.unit |
String |
Period unit |
channelA |
Channel |
Configuration of the input Channel 1 |
channel.type |
String |
Mode type. Values can be: disabled, input, inputPeriodic, inputEvent, output |
channel.edge |
String |
Edge. Values can be: high, low, both |
channel.debounceDuration |
DcPeriod |
Debounce duration |
dcPeriod.value |
int |
Period |
dcPeriod.unit |
String |
Period unit |
channel.value |
int |
If configured as an input (event or Periodic mode), contains the value of the event counter of Input Channel |
channel.currentState |
Boolean |
Current state |
channel.previousFrameState |
Boolean |
State at the sending of the previous frame |
channelB |
Channel |
Configuration of the input Channel 2 |
channel.type |
String |
Mode type. Values can be: disabled, input, inputPeriodic, inputEvent, output |
channel.edge |
String |
Edge. Values can be: high, low, both |
channel.debounceDuration |
DcPeriod |
Debounce duration |
dcPeriod.value |
int |
Period |
dcPeriod.unit |
String |
Period unit |
channel.value |
int |
If configured as an input (event or Periodic mode), contains the value of the event counter of Input Channel |
channel.currentState |
Boolean |
Current state |
channel.previousFrameState |
Boolean |
State at the sending of the previous frame |
channelC |
Channel |
Configuration of the input Channel 3 |
channel.type |
String |
Mode type. Values can be: disabled, input, inputPeriodic, inputEvent, output |
channel.edge |
String |
Edge. Values can be: high, low, both |
channel.debounceDuration |
DcPeriod |
Debounce duration |
dcPeriod.value |
int |
Period |
dcPeriod.unit |
String |
Period unit |
channel.value |
int |
If configured as an input (event or Periodic mode), contains the value of the event counter of Input Channel |
channel.currentState |
Boolean |
Current state |
channel.previousFrameState |
Boolean |
State at the sending of the previous frame |
channelD |
Channel |
Configuration of the input Channel 4 |
channel.type |
String |
Mode type. Values can be: disabled, input, inputPeriodic, inputEvent, output |
channel.edge |
String |
Edge. Values can be: high, low, both |
channel.debounceDuration |
DcPeriod |
Debounce duration |
dcPeriod.value |
int |
Period |
dcPeriod.unit |
String |
Period unit |
channel.value |
int |
If configured as an input (event or Periodic mode), contains the value of the event counter of Input Channel |
channel.currentState |
Boolean |
Current state |
channel.previousFrameState |
Boolean |
State at the sending of the previous frame |
Payload | Dry Contacts 2 0x20 Configuration frame |
Description | Dry Contacts 2 0x20 Configuration frame. Tag drycontacts2 associated to the device.
This frame of sent following the reception of a frame with code 0x02, or at the start of the product. |
Example : | |
Input | 20200501 |
Output |
{"type":"0x20 Configuration","status":{"frameCounter":1,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"timestamp":false},"loraAdr":true,"loraProvisioningMode":"OTAA","loraDutycyle":"activated","loraClassMode":"CLASS A"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Dry Contacts configuration
- 0x10 Dry Contacts 2 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Dry Contacts 2 keep alive
- 0x40 Dry Contacts data
- 0x40 Dry Contacts 2 data
- 0x41 Dry Contacts 2 duration alarm
- 0x59 Dry Contacts 2 time counting data
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
loraAdr |
Boolean |
Activation of the ADR : true if ON, false if OFF |
loraProvisioningMode |
String |
Mode of activation : value can be ABP or OTAA (default value |
loraDutycyle |
String |
Dutycycle : values can be activated or deactivated |
loraClassMode |
String |
ClassMode : values can be CLASS A or CLASS C. |
Payload | Dry Contacts 2 0x2F Downlink ack frame |
Description | Dry Contacts 2 0x2F Downlink ack frame. Tag drycontacts2 associated to the device.
The 0x2F frame is sent when a downlink 0x06 (set output state) or 0x07 (generate pulse) is received and its payload requests an ACK. |
Example : | |
Input | 2F200601 |
Output |
{"type":"0x2f Downlink ack","status":{"frameCounter":1,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"timestamp":false},"downlinkFramecode":"0x6","requestStatus":"success"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Dry Contacts configuration
- 0x10 Dry Contacts 2 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Dry Contacts 2 keep alive
- 0x40 Dry Contacts data
- 0x40 Dry Contacts 2 data
- 0x41 Dry Contacts 2 duration alarm
- 0x59 Dry Contacts 2 time counting data
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
requestStatus |
String |
Request status. Values can be:- success
- errorGeneric
- errorWrongState
- errorInvalidRequest
- errorOtherReason
downlinkFramecode |
String |
Downlink frame code : indicates which downlink has generated this uplink |
Payload | Dry Contacts 0x30 Keep Alive frame |
Description | Dry Contacts 2 0x30 Keep Alive frame. Tag drycontacts2 associated to the device.
This frame (0x30) is sent : after an amount of time determined by S300 register, following the reception of a frame with code 0x05, or when the magnet detected for 3 seconds. |
Example : | |
Input | 30E6000101000000FFFF0A14ABA3E9 |
Output |
{"type":"0x30 Dry Contacts 2 keep alive","status":{"frameCounter":7,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":false,"timestamp":true},"timestamp":"2023-12-28T19:22:17.000","channelA":{"value":1,"state":false},"channelB":{"value":256,"state":true},"channelC":{"value":0,"state":false},"channelD":{"value":65535,"state":true}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Dry Contacts configuration
- 0x10 Dry Contacts 2 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Dry Contacts 2 keep alive
- 0x40 Dry Contacts data
- 0x40 Dry Contacts 2 data
- 0x41 Dry Contacts 2 duration alarm
- 0x59 Dry Contacts 2 time counting data
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
channelA |
Channel |
Channel 1 info if configured in input mode |
channel.state |
boolean |
Current state : true when ON/CLOSED, false when OFF/OPEN |
channel.value |
int |
Gloabal event counter |
channelB |
Channel |
Channel 2 info if configured in input mode |
channel.state |
boolean |
Current state : true when ON/CLOSED, false when OFF/OPEN |
channel.value |
int |
Gloabal event counter |
channelC |
Channel |
Channel 3 info if configured in input mode |
channel.state |
boolean |
Current state : true when ON/CLOSED, false when OFF/OPEN |
channel.value |
int |
Gloabal event counter |
channelD |
Channel |
Channel 4 info if configured in input mode |
channel.state |
boolean |
Current state : true when ON/CLOSED, false when OFF/OPEN |
channel.value |
int |
Gloabal event counter |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Dry Contacts 2 0x40 Data frame |
Description | Dry Contacts 2 0x40 Data frame. Tag drycontacts2 associated to the device.
This frame (0x40) contains the values measured on the different digital outputs. |
Example : | |
Input | 404400010100000000014614ABA3E9 |
Output |
{"type":"0x40 Dry Contacts 2 data","status":{"frameCounter":2,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"timestamp":true},"timestamp":"2023-12-28T19:22:17.000","decodingInfo":"true: ON/CLOSED, false: OFF/OPEN","channelA":{"value":1,"currentState":false,"previousFrameState":true},"channelB":{"value":256,"currentState":true,"previousFrameState":false},"channelC":{"value":0,"currentState":false,"previousFrameState":false},"channelD":{"value":1,"currentState":true,"previousFrameState":false}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Dry Contacts configuration
- 0x10 Dry Contacts 2 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Dry Contacts 2 keep alive
- 0x40 Dry Contacts data
- 0x40 Dry Contacts 2 data
- 0x41 Dry Contacts 2 duration alarm
- 0x59 Dry Contacts 2 time counting data
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
decodingInfo |
String |
True: ON/CLOSED, false: OFF/OPEN |
channelA |
Channel |
Configuration of the input Channel 1 |
channel.value |
int |
If configured as an input (event or Periodic mode), contains the value of the event counter of Input Channel |
channel.currentState |
Boolean |
Current state |
channel.previousFrameState |
Boolean |
State at the sending of the previous frame |
channelB |
Channel |
Configuration of the input Channel 2 |
channel.value |
int |
If configured as an input (event or Periodic mode), contains the value of the event counter of Input Channel |
channel.currentState |
Boolean |
Current state |
channel.previousFrameState |
Boolean |
State at the sending of the previous frame |
channelC |
Channel |
Configuration of the input Channel 3 |
channel.value |
int |
If configured as an input (event or Periodic mode), contains the value of the event counter of Input Channel |
channel.currentState |
Boolean |
Current state |
channel.previousFrameState |
Boolean |
State at the sending of the previous frame |
channelD |
Channel |
Configuration of the input Channel 4 |
channel.value |
int |
If configured as an input (event or Periodic mode), contains the value of the event counter of Input Channel |
channel.currentState |
Boolean |
Current state |
channel.previousFrameState |
Boolean |
State at the sending of the previous frame |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Dry Contacts 2 0x41 duration alarm frame parser |
Description | Dry Contacts 2 0x41 duration alarm frame parser. Tag drycontacts2 associated to the device.
This frame is sent if an input is active for a time greater than that defined in the corresponding threshold register. |
Example : | |
Input | 414403001414ABA3E9 |
Output |
{"type":"0x41 Dry Contacts 2 duration alarm","status":{"frameCounter":2,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"timestamp":true},"timestamp":"2023-12-28T19:22:17.000","channel":3,"durationThreshold":{"unit":"min","value":20}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Dry Contacts configuration
- 0x10 Dry Contacts 2 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Dry Contacts 2 keep alive
- 0x40 Dry Contacts data
- 0x40 Dry Contacts 2 data
- 0x41 Dry Contacts 2 duration alarm
- 0x59 Dry Contacts 2 time counting data
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
channel |
int |
Channel number (1 – 4) |
durationThreshold |
DurationThreshold |
Duration threshold in minutes |
durationThreshold.unit |
String |
Unit |
durationThreshold.value |
int |
Value of duration |
timestamp |
String |
Only for LoRaWAN product with timestamping enabled. Timestamp of the frame in EPOCH 2013 format |
Payload | Dry Contacts 2 0x59 Dry Contacts 2 time counting data frame |
Description | Dry Contacts 2 0x59 Dry Contacts 2 time counting data frame. Tag drycontacts2 associated to the device.
This frame is sent only if S328 (Transmit period for time counting) != 0. |
Example : | |
Input | 59A405012345001100126B94F9 |
Output |
{"type":"0x59 Dry Contacts 2 time counting data","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"timestamp":true},"timestamp":"2022-10-17T20:32:57.000","channelATimeCounter":{"unit":"s","value":19088640},"channelCTimeCounter":{"unit":"s","value":285217387}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Dry Contacts configuration
- 0x10 Dry Contacts 2 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x30 Dry Contacts 2 keep alive
- 0x40 Dry Contacts data
- 0x40 Dry Contacts 2 data
- 0x41 Dry Contacts 2 duration alarm
- 0x59 Dry Contacts 2 time counting data
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp when timestamping is enable, in EPOCH 2013 format. |
channelATimeCounter |
ChannelTimeCounter |
Channel time counter, if Channel1 time counter is included in the frame |
channelTimeCounter.value |
int |
Time counter |
channelTimeCounter.unit |
String |
Time unit |
channelBTimeCounter |
ChannelTimeCounter |
Channel time counter, if Channel2 time counter is included in the frame |
channelTimeCounter.value |
int |
Time counter |
channelTimeCounter.unit |
String |
Time unit |
channelCTimeCounter |
ChannelTimeCounter |
Channel time counter, if Channel3 time counter is included in the frame |
channelTimeCounter.value |
int |
Time counter |
channelTimeCounter.unit |
String |
Time unit |
channelDTimeCounter |
ChannelTimeCounter |
Channel time counter, if Channel4 time counter is included in the frame |
channelTimeCounter.value |
int |
Time counter |
channelTimeCounter.unit |
String |
Time unit |
Payload | Motion 0x10 Motion Configuration |
Description | Motion 0x10 Motion Configuration. Tag motion associated to the device.
Information frame on device configuration |
Example : | |
Input | 10A321C000080012012c0001 |
Output |
{"type":"0x10 Motion configuration","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":true,"configurationInconsistency":false},"transmissionPeriodKeepAlive":{"unit":"s","value":86400},"numberOfHistorizationBeforeSending":8,"numberOfSamplingBeforeHistorization":18,"samplingPeriod":{"unit":"s","value":600},"presenceDetectorInhibition":{"unit":"s","value":10},"calculatedPeriodRecording":{"unit":"s","value":10800},"calculatedSendingPeriod":{"unit":"s","value":86400}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Motion configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x4e Motion data
- 0x4f Motion presence alarm
- 0x50 Motion luminosity alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x5c Motion data
- 0x5d Motion presence alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
transmissionPeriodKeepAlive |
Period |
Transmission period of the Keep Alive frame. |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
numberOfHistorizationBeforeSending |
int |
Transmission period of the periodic frame |
numberOfSamplingBeforeHistorization |
int |
History period |
samplingPeriod |
Period |
Sampling period |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
presenceDetectorInhibition |
Period |
Presence Detector Inhibition |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
calculatedPeriodRecording |
Period |
Calculated period recording |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
calculatedSendingPeriod |
Period |
Calculated sending period |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
Payload | Motion 0x1f Motion Digital Input Configuration |
Description | Motion 0x1f Motion Digital Input Configuration. Tag motion associated to the device.
Information frame on configuration of Digital Input(s) |
Example : | |
Input | 1f20410001410001 |
Output |
{"type":"0x1f digital input configuration","status":{"frameCounter":1,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"digitalInput1":{"type":"highEdge","debouncingPeriod":{"unit":"ms","value":100},"threshold":1},"digitalInput2":{"type":"highEdge","debouncingPeriod":{"unit":"ms","value":100},"threshold":1}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Motion configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x4e Motion data
- 0x4f Motion presence alarm
- 0x50 Motion luminosity alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x5c Motion data
- 0x5d Motion presence alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
digitalInput1 |
DigitalInput |
Configuration of the button (Digital Input 1) |
digitalInput.type |
String |
Digital Input type. Values can be deactivated when off, highEdge when event ON, lowEdge when event OFF, or bothEdges when event ON/OFF |
digitalInput.debouncingPeriod |
DebouncingPeriod |
Debouncing period |
debouncingPeriod.unit |
String |
milliseconds |
debouncingPeriod.value |
int |
Debouncing period value |
digitalInput.threshold |
int |
Button alarm threshold value : when the detection counter becomes greater than this threshold, an alarm is triggered |
digitalInput2 |
DigitalInput |
Configuration of the button (Digital Input 2) |
digitalInput.type |
String |
Digital Input type. Values can be deactivated when off, highEdge when event ON, lowEdge when event OFF, or bothEdges when event ON/OFF |
digitalInput.debouncingPeriod |
DebouncingPeriod |
Debouncing period |
debouncingPeriod.unit |
String |
milliseconds |
debouncingPeriod.value |
int |
Debouncing period value |
digitalInput.threshold |
int |
Button alarm threshold value : when the detection counter becomes greater than this threshold, an alarm is triggered |
Payload | Motion 0x20 Configuration |
Description | Motion 0x20 Configuration. Tag motion associated to the device.
Information frames on Network configuration |
Example : | |
Input | 20A00101 |
Output |
{"type":"0x20 Configuration","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"loraAdr":true,"loraProvisioningMode":"OTAA","loraDutycyle":"deactivated","loraClassMode":"CLASS A"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Motion configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x4e Motion data
- 0x4f Motion presence alarm
- 0x50 Motion luminosity alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x5c Motion data
- 0x5d Motion presence alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
loraAdr |
Boolean |
Activation of the ADR : true if ON, false if OFF |
loraProvisioningMode |
String |
Mode of activation : value can be ABP or OTAA (default value |
loraDutycyle |
String |
Dutycycle : values can be activated or deactivated |
loraClassMode |
String |
ClassMode : values can be CLASS A or CLASS C. |
Payload | Motion 0x30 Keep alive |
Description | Motion 0x30 Keep alive. Tag motion associated to the device.
Keep alive frame |
Example : | |
Input | 30A3 |
Output |
{"type":"0x30 Keep alive","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":true,"configurationInconsistency":false}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Motion configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x4e Motion data
- 0x4f Motion presence alarm
- 0x50 Motion luminosity alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x5c Motion data
- 0x5d Motion presence alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
Payload | Motion 0x33 Set Register Status |
Description | Motion 0x33 Set Register Status. Tag motion associated to the device.
Response frame following an update of register(s) via downlink |
Example : | |
Input | 3380040140 |
Output |
{"type":"0x33 Set register status","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"requestStatus":"errorInvalidRegister","registerId":320}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Motion configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x4e Motion data
- 0x4f Motion presence alarm
- 0x50 Motion luminosity alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x5c Motion data
- 0x5d Motion presence alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
requestStatus |
String |
Request status. Values can be: - errorOtherReason
- success
- successNoUpdate
- errorCoherency
- errorInvalidRegister
- errorInvalidValue
- errorTruncatedValue
- errorAccesNotAllowed
registerId |
int |
Indicates to the user the register that caused the error, only if requestStatus is different from success. |
Payload | Motion 0x4e Motion Data |
Description | Motion 0x4e Motion Data. Tag motion associated to the device.
Periodic data frame |
Example : | |
Input | 4EA300D2003550 |
Output |
{"type":"0x4e Motion data","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":true,"configurationInconsistency":false},"globalCounterValue":210,"decodingInfo":"counterValues/values: [t\u003d0, t-1, t-2, ...]","counterValues":[53],"luminosity":{"unit":"%","values":[80]}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Motion configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x4e Motion data
- 0x4f Motion presence alarm
- 0x50 Motion luminosity alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x5c Motion data
- 0x5d Motion presence alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
globalCounterValue |
Number |
Presence global counter containing the number of presence detections since device start |
decodingInfo |
String |
counterValues/values: [t=0, t-1, t-2, ...] |
counterValues |
Array |
Presence Counter values |
luminosity |
Luminosity |
Luminosity |
luminosity.unit |
String |
% |
luminosity.values |
Array |
Luminosity in array |
Payload | Motion 0x4f Motion presence alarm |
Description | Motion 0x4f Motion presence alarm. Tag motion associated to the device.
Presence detection alarm frame |
Example : | |
Input | 4fa301400023 |
Output |
{"type":"0x4f Motion presence alarm","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":true,"configurationInconsistency":false},"alarmPresence":{"globalCounterValue":320,"counterValue":35}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Motion configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x4e Motion data
- 0x4f Motion presence alarm
- 0x50 Motion luminosity alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x5c Motion data
- 0x5d Motion presence alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
alarmPresence |
AlarmPresence |
alarmPresence.globalCounterValue |
int |
Presence global counter: global count of detections since start up |
alarmPresence.counterValue |
int |
Presence counter: counter since the last frame sent |
Payload | Motion 0x50 Motion luminosity alarm |
Description | Motion 0x50 Motion luminosity alarm. Tag motion associated to the device.
Brightness alarm frame |
Example : | |
Input | 50a30118 |
Output |
{"type":"0x50 Motion luminosity alarm","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":true,"configurationInconsistency":false},"alarmLuminosity":{"alarmStatus":"active","luminosity":{"unit":"%","value":24}}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Motion configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x4e Motion data
- 0x4f Motion presence alarm
- 0x50 Motion luminosity alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x5c Motion data
- 0x5d Motion presence alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
alarmLuminosity |
AlarmLuminosity |
Luminosity alarm |
alarmLuminosity.alarmStatus |
String |
Alarm status. Values can be active when thresholds are exceeded, or inactive when thresholds are not reached |
alarmLuminosity.luminosity |
Luminosity |
Luminosity |
luminosity.unit |
String |
% |
luminosity.value |
int |
Luminosity |
Payload | Motion 0x51 Motion Digital Input 1 Alarm |
Description | Motion 0x51 Motion Digital Input 1 Alarm. Tag motion associated to the device.
Digital Input 1 button alarm frame |
Example : | |
Input | 51a0010000017E0001 |
Output |
{"type":"0x51 digital input 1 alarm","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"state":{"previousFrame":false,"current":true},"counter":{"global":382,"instantaneous":1}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Motion configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x4e Motion data
- 0x4f Motion presence alarm
- 0x50 Motion luminosity alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x5c Motion data
- 0x5d Motion presence alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
state |
State |
State |
state.previousFrame |
boolean |
State of the digital input when sending the previous frame : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
state.current |
boolean |
Current state of the digital input : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
counter |
Counter |
Counters | |
int |
Global counter of the digital input |
counter.instantaneous |
int |
Instantaneous counter of the digital input |
Payload | Motion 0x52 Motion Digital Input 2 Alarm |
Description | Motion 0x52 Motion Digital Input 2 Alarm. Tag motion associated to the device.
Digital Input 2 terminal block |
Example : | |
Input | 52a0010000017E0001 |
Output |
{"type":"0x52 digital input 2 alarm","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"state":{"previousFrame":false,"current":true},"counter":{"global":382,"instantaneous":1}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Motion configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x4e Motion data
- 0x4f Motion presence alarm
- 0x50 Motion luminosity alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x5c Motion data
- 0x5d Motion presence alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
state |
State |
State |
state.previousFrame |
boolean |
State of the digital input when sending the previous frame : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
state.current |
boolean |
Current state of the digital input : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
counter |
Counter |
Counters | |
int |
Global counter of the digital input |
counter.instantaneous |
int |
Instantaneous counter of the digital input |
Payload | Motion 2 0x10 Motion Configuration |
Description | Motion 2 0x10 Motion Configuration. Tag motion associated to the device.
Information frame on device configuration |
Example : | |
Input | 100021C0000100010708001E |
Output |
{"type":"0x10 Motion configuration","status":{"frameCounter":0,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"transmissionPeriodKeepAlive":{"unit":"s","value":86400},"numberOfHistorizationBeforeSending":1,"numberOfSamplingBeforeHistorization":1,"samplingPeriod":{"unit":"s","value":3600},"presenceDetectorInhibition":{"unit":"s","value":300},"calculatedPeriodRecording":{"unit":"s","value":3600},"calculatedSendingPeriod":{"unit":"s","value":3600}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Motion configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x4e Motion data
- 0x4f Motion presence alarm
- 0x50 Motion luminosity alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x5c Motion data
- 0x5d Motion presence alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
transmissionPeriodKeepAlive |
Period |
Transmission period of the Keep Alive frame. |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
numberOfHistorizationBeforeSending |
int |
Transmission period of the periodic frame |
numberOfSamplingBeforeHistorization |
int |
History period |
samplingPeriod |
Period |
Sampling period |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
presenceDetectorInhibition |
Period |
Presence Detector Inhibition |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
calculatedPeriodRecording |
Period |
Calculated period recording |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
calculatedSendingPeriod |
Period |
Calculated sending period |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
Payload | Motion 2 0x1f Motion Digital Input Configuration |
Description | Motion 2 0x1f Motion Digital Input Configuration. Tag motion associated to the device.
Information frame on configuration of Digital Input(s) |
Example : | |
Input | 1f00410001000000 |
Output |
{"type":"0x1f digital input configuration","status":{"frameCounter":0,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"digitalInput1":{"type":"highEdge","debouncingPeriod":{"unit":"ms","value":100},"threshold":1},"digitalInput2":{"type":"deactivated","debouncingPeriod":{"unit":"ms","value":0},"threshold":0}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Motion configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x4e Motion data
- 0x4f Motion presence alarm
- 0x50 Motion luminosity alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x5c Motion data
- 0x5d Motion presence alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
digitalInput1 |
DigitalInput |
Configuration of the button (Digital Input 1) |
digitalInput.type |
String |
Digital Input type. Values can be deactivated when off, highEdge when event ON, lowEdge when event OFF, or bothEdges when event ON/OFF |
digitalInput.debouncingPeriod |
DebouncingPeriod |
Debouncing period |
debouncingPeriod.unit |
String |
milliseconds |
debouncingPeriod.value |
int |
Debouncing period value |
digitalInput.threshold |
int |
Button alarm threshold value : when the detection counter becomes greater than this threshold, an alarm is triggered |
digitalInput2 |
DigitalInput |
Configuration of the button (Digital Input 2) |
digitalInput.type |
String |
Digital Input type. Values can be deactivated when off, highEdge when event ON, lowEdge when event OFF, or bothEdges when event ON/OFF |
digitalInput.debouncingPeriod |
DebouncingPeriod |
Debouncing period |
debouncingPeriod.unit |
String |
milliseconds |
debouncingPeriod.value |
int |
Debouncing period value |
digitalInput.threshold |
int |
Button alarm threshold value : when the detection counter becomes greater than this threshold, an alarm is triggered |
Payload | Motion 2 0x20 Configuration |
Description | Motion 2 0x20 Configuration. Tag motion associated to the device.
Information frames on Network configuration |
Example : | |
Input | 20200501 |
Output |
{"type":"0x20 Configuration","status":{"frameCounter":1,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"loraAdr":true,"loraProvisioningMode":"OTAA","loraDutycyle":"activated","loraClassMode":"CLASS A"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Motion configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x4e Motion data
- 0x4f Motion presence alarm
- 0x50 Motion luminosity alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x5c Motion data
- 0x5d Motion presence alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
loraAdr |
Boolean |
Activation of the ADR : true if ON, false if OFF |
loraProvisioningMode |
String |
Mode of activation : value can be ABP or OTAA (default value |
loraDutycyle |
String |
Dutycycle : values can be activated or deactivated |
loraClassMode |
String |
ClassMode : values can be CLASS A or CLASS C. |
Payload | Motion 2 0x30 Keep alive |
Description | Motion 2 0x30 Keep alive. Tag motion associated to the device.
Keep alive frame |
Example : | |
Input | 30A3 |
Output |
{"type":"0x30 Keep alive","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":true,"configurationInconsistency":false}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Motion configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x4e Motion data
- 0x4f Motion presence alarm
- 0x50 Motion luminosity alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x5c Motion data
- 0x5d Motion presence alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
Payload | Motion 2 0x33 Set Register Status |
Description | Motion 2 0x33 Set Register Status. Tag motion associated to the device.
Response frame following an update of register(s) via downlink |
Example : | |
Input | 3380040020 |
Output |
{"type":"0x33 Set register status","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"requestStatus":"errorInvalidRegister","registerId":32}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Motion configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x4e Motion data
- 0x4f Motion presence alarm
- 0x50 Motion luminosity alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x5c Motion data
- 0x5d Motion presence alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
requestStatus |
String |
Request status. Values can be: - errorOtherReason
- success
- successNoUpdate
- errorCoherency
- errorInvalidRegister
- errorInvalidValue
- errorTruncatedValue
- errorAccesNotAllowed
registerId |
int |
Indicates to the user the register that caused the error, only if requestStatus is different from success. |
Payload | Motion 2 0x50 Motion luminosity alarm |
Description | Motion 2 0x50 Motion luminosity alarm. Tag motion associated to the device.
If the luminosity alarm is activated, this frame is sent when an alarm of exceeding threshold appears or disappears. |
Example : | |
Input | 50800132 |
Output |
{"type":"0x50 Motion luminosity alarm","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"alarmLuminosity":{"alarmStatus":"active","luminosity":{"unit":"%","value":50}}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Motion configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x4e Motion data
- 0x4f Motion presence alarm
- 0x50 Motion luminosity alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x5c Motion data
- 0x5d Motion presence alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
alarmLuminosity |
AlarmLuminosity |
Luminosity alarm |
alarmLuminosity.alarmStatus |
String |
Alarm status. Values can be active when thresholds are exceeded, or inactive when thresholds are not reached |
alarmLuminosity.luminosity |
Luminosity |
Luminosity |
luminosity.unit |
String |
% |
luminosity.value |
int |
Luminosity |
Payload | Motion 2 0x51 Motion Digital Input 1 Alarm |
Description | Motion 2 0x51 Motion Digital Input 1 Alarm. Tag motion associated to the device.
Digital Input 1 button alarm frame sent when the number of detected events exceed the threshold. |
Example : | |
Input | 51a0010000017E0001 |
Output |
{"type":"0x51 digital input 1 alarm","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"state":{"previousFrame":false,"current":true},"counter":{"global":382,"instantaneous":1}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Motion configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x4e Motion data
- 0x4f Motion presence alarm
- 0x50 Motion luminosity alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x5c Motion data
- 0x5d Motion presence alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
state |
State |
State |
state.previousFrame |
boolean |
State of the digital input when sending the previous frame : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
state.current |
boolean |
Current state of the digital input : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
counter |
Counter |
Counters | |
int |
Global counter of the digital input |
counter.instantaneous |
int |
Instantaneous counter of the digital input |
Payload | Motion 2 0x52 Motion Digital Input 2 Alarm |
Description | Motion 2 0x52 Motion Digital Input 2 Alarm. Tag motion associated to the device.
Digital Input 2 terminal block. This frame is sent when the number of detected events exceed the threshold. |
Example : | |
Input | 52800100000012300003 |
Output |
{"type":"0x52 digital input 2 alarm","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"state":{"previousFrame":false,"current":true},"counter":{"global":18,"instantaneous":12288}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Motion configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x4e Motion data
- 0x4f Motion presence alarm
- 0x50 Motion luminosity alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x5c Motion data
- 0x5d Motion presence alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
state |
State |
State |
state.previousFrame |
boolean |
State of the digital input when sending the previous frame : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
state.current |
boolean |
Current state of the digital input : true if ON/CLOSED, false if OFF/OPENED |
counter |
Counter |
Counters | |
int |
Global counter of the digital input |
counter.instantaneous |
int |
Instantaneous counter of the digital input |
Payload | Motion 2 0x5c Motion data frame |
Description | Motion 2 0x5c Motion data. Tag motion associated to the device.
Periodic data frame. |
Example : | |
Input | 5c80011e320020 |
Output |
{"type":"0x5c Motion data","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"presenceDetectedWhenSending":true,"decodingInfo":"values: [t\u003d0, t-1, t-2, ...]","presence":{"unit":"%","values":[30,0]},"luminosity":{"unit":"%","values":[50,32]}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Motion configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x4e Motion data
- 0x4f Motion presence alarm
- 0x50 Motion luminosity alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x5c Motion data
- 0x5d Motion presence alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
presenceDetectedWhenSending |
boolean |
True if presence detected |
decodingInfo |
String |
values: [t=0, t-1, t-2, ...] |
presence |
Presence |
Presence |
presence.unit |
String |
% |
presence.values |
Array |
Array of presence measured at t |
luminosity |
Luminosity |
Luminosity |
luminosity.unit |
String |
% |
luminosity.values |
Array |
Array of luminosity measured at t |
Payload | Motion 2 0x5d Motion presence alarm frame |
Description | Motion 2 0x5d Motion presence alarm. Tag motion associated to the device.
If the presence alarm is activated, this frame is sent when the presence detection begins, or ends. |
Example : | |
Input | 5d800132 |
Output |
{"type":"0x5d Motion presence alarm","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"alarmPresence":{"alarmStatus":"active","luminosity":{"unit":"%","value":50}}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Motion configuration
- 0x1f digital input configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x4e Motion data
- 0x4f Motion presence alarm
- 0x50 Motion luminosity alarm
- 0x51 digital input 1 alarm
- 0x52 digital input 2 alarm
- 0x5c Motion data
- 0x5d Motion presence alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
alarmPresence |
AlarmPresence |
Presence alarm |
alarmPresence.alarmStatus |
String |
Alarm status. Values can be active when thresholds are exceeded, or inactive when thresholds are not reached |
alarmPresence.luminosity |
Luminosity |
Luminosity |
luminosity.unit |
String |
% |
luminosity.value |
int |
Luminosity |
Payload | Pulse 0x10 Pulse Configuration |
Description | Pulse 0x10 Pulse Configuration. Tag pulse associated to the device.
Information frame on device configuration |
Example : | |
Input | 10A301003C390257003C27107530000A000000030005 |
Output |
{"type":"0x10 Pulse configuration","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":true},"productMode":"PRODUCTION","transmissionPeriod":{"unit":"m","value":60},"flowCalculationPeriod":{"unit":"m","value":60},"historicMode":"historicLogEvery1h","channels":[{"name":"channel A","state":"enabled","type":"otherPullUpOff","tamperActivated":true,"debouncingPeriod":{"unit":"ms","value":500},"leakageDetection":{"overflowAlarmTriggerThreshold":10000,"threshold":10,"dailyPeriodsBelowWhichLeakageAlarmTriggered":3}},{"name":"channel B","state":"enabled","type":"gasPullUpOn","tamperActivated":false,"debouncingPeriod":{"unit":"ms","value":100},"leakageDetection":{"overflowAlarmTriggerThreshold":30000,"threshold":0,"dailyPeriodsBelowWhichLeakageAlarmTriggered":5}}]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse configuration
- 0x11 Pulse configuration
- 0x12 Pulse configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse data
- 0x47 Pulse alarm
- 0x48 Pulse historic data
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
productMode |
String |
Product mode. Values can be: |
transmissionPeriod |
PulsePeriod |
Periodicity of transmission |
pulsePeriod.value |
int |
Period |
pulsePeriod.unit |
String |
Period unit |
flowCalculationPeriod |
PulsePeriod |
Flow Calculation Period |
pulsePeriod.value |
int |
Period |
pulsePeriod.unit |
String |
Period unit |
historicMode |
String |
Historic mode. Period of historisation |
channels |
Array |
Channels |
channel |
Channel |
Channel | |
String |
Channel name. Values can be: channel A or channel B |
channel.state |
String |
State. Values can be: enabled or disabled |
channel.type |
String |
Type. Values can be: otherPullUpOff or gasPullUpOn |
channel.tamperActivated |
Boolean |
Tamper input channel activated : true or false |
channel.debouncingPeriod |
PulsePeriod |
Debouncing period |
pulsePeriod.value |
int |
Period |
pulsePeriod.unit |
String |
Period unit |
channel.leakageDetection |
LeakageDetection |
Leakage Dectection |
leakageDetection.overflowAlarmTriggerThreshold |
int |
Overflow Alarm Trigger Threshold |
leakageDetection.threshold |
int |
Threshold |
leakageDetection.dailyPeriodsBelowWhichLeakageAlarmTriggered |
int |
Daily Periods Below Which Leakage Alarm Triggered |
Payload | Pulse 0x11 Pulse Configuration |
Description | Pulse 0x11 Pulse Configuration. Tag pulse associated to the device.
Information frame on device configuration |
Example : | |
Input | 11400001000200030004 |
Output |
{"type":"0x11 Pulse configuration","status":{"frameCounter":2,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false},"channels":[{"name":"channel A","leakageDetection":{"overflowAlarmTriggerThreshold":1,"threshold":3}},{"name":"channel B","leakageDetection":{"overflowAlarmTriggerThreshold":2,"threshold":4}}]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse configuration
- 0x11 Pulse configuration
- 0x12 Pulse configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse data
- 0x47 Pulse alarm
- 0x48 Pulse historic data
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
channels |
Array |
Channels |
channel |
Channel |
Channel | |
String |
Channel name. Values can be: channel A or channel B |
channel.leakageDetection |
LeakageDetection |
Leakage Dectection |
leakageDetection.overflowAlarmTriggerThreshold |
int |
Overflow Alarm Trigger Threshold |
leakageDetection.threshold |
int |
Threshold |
Payload | Pulse 0x12 Pulse Configuration |
Description | Pulse 0x12 Pulse Configuration. Tag pulse associated to the device.
Information frame on device configuration |
Example : | |
Input | 1280000500060203020301 |
Output |
{"type":"0x12 Pulse configuration","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false},"channels":[{"name":"channel A","leakageDetection":{"dailyPeriodsBelowWhichLeakageAlarmTriggered":5}},{"name":"channel B","leakageDetection":{"dailyPeriodsBelowWhichLeakageAlarmTriggered":6}}]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse configuration
- 0x11 Pulse configuration
- 0x12 Pulse configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse data
- 0x47 Pulse alarm
- 0x48 Pulse historic data
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
channels |
Array |
Channels |
channel |
Channel |
Channel | |
String |
Channel name. Values can be: channel A or channel B |
channel.leakageDetection |
LeakageDetection |
Leakage Dectection |
leakageDetection.dailyPeriodsBelowWhichLeakageAlarmTriggered |
int |
Daily Periods Below Which Leakage Alarm Triggered |
Payload | Pulse 0x20 Configuration |
Description | Pulse 0x20 Configuration. Tag pulse associated to the device.
Frame of information on the network configuration |
Example : | |
Input | 20A30501 |
Output |
{"type":"0x20 Configuration","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":true},"loraAdr":true,"loraProvisioningMode":"OTAA"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse configuration
- 0x11 Pulse configuration
- 0x12 Pulse configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse data
- 0x47 Pulse alarm
- 0x48 Pulse historic data
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
loraAdr |
Boolean |
Activation of the ADR : true if ON, false if OFF |
loraProvisioningMode |
String |
Mode of activation : value can be ABP or OTAA (default value |
loraDutycyle |
String |
Dutycycle : values can be activated or deactivated |
loraClassMode |
String |
ClassMode : values can be CLASS A or CLASS C. |
Payload | Pulse 0x30 Keep Alive Frame |
Description | Pulse 0x30 Keep Alive Frame. Tag pulse associated to the device.
Daily Keep-Alive Frame |
Example : | |
Input | 3024E692C4310A80000010 |
Output |
{"type":"0x30 Pulse keep alive","status":{"frameCounter":1,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false},"channels":[{"name":"channel A","flow":{"alarm":false,"last24hMin":32768,"last24hMax":37572},"tamperAlarm":true,"leakageAlarm":false},{"name":"channel B","flow":{"alarm":true,"last24hMin":16,"last24hMax":12554},"tamperAlarm":false,"leakageAlarm":true}]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse configuration
- 0x11 Pulse configuration
- 0x12 Pulse configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse data
- 0x47 Pulse alarm
- 0x48 Pulse historic data
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
channels |
Array |
Channels |
channel |
Channel |
Channel | |
String |
Channel name. Values can be: channel A or channel B |
channel.flow |
Flow |
Flow |
flow.alarm |
Boolean |
True if alarm is activated |
flow.last24hMin |
int |
Minimum measured flow on channel A within the last 24 hours |
flow.last24hMax |
int |
Maximum measured flow on channel within the last 24 hours |
channel.tamperAlarm |
Boolean |
Tamper decteted : true or false |
channel.leakageAlarm |
Boolean |
Leak decteted : true or false |
Payload | Pulse 0x46 Pulse Data Frame |
Description | Pulse 0x46 Pulse Data Frame. Tag pulse associated to the device.
Pulse data frame |
Example : | |
Input | 46A300015C4F0000F74A |
Output |
{"type":"0x46 Pulse data","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":true},"decodingInfo":"counterValues: [Channel A, Channel B]","counterValues":[89167,63306]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse configuration
- 0x11 Pulse configuration
- 0x12 Pulse configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse data
- 0x47 Pulse alarm
- 0x48 Pulse historic data
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
decodingInfo |
String |
Values information: counterValues [Channel A, Channel B] |
counterValues |
Array |
Counter values |
Payload | Pulse 0x47 Pulse Alarm Frame |
Description | Pulse 0x47 Pulse Alarm Frame. Tag pulse associated to the device.
Alarm frame |
Example : | |
Input | 47a00f780000 |
Output |
{"type":"0x47 Pulse alarm","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false},"decodingInfo":"flowValues: [Channel A, Channel B]","flowValues":[3960,0]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse configuration
- 0x11 Pulse configuration
- 0x12 Pulse configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse data
- 0x47 Pulse alarm
- 0x48 Pulse historic data
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
decodingInfo |
String |
Values information: flowValues [Channel A, Channel B] |
flowValues |
Array |
Flow values |
Payload | Pulse 0x48 Pulse Historic Data Frame |
Description | Pulse 0x48 Pulse Historic Data Frame. Tag pulse associated to the device.
Pulse historic data frame |
Example : | |
Input | 4820000000010000000200000100020003000400050006000700080009000a000b000c000d000e000f00100011001200130014 |
Output |
{"type":"0x48 Pulse historic data","status":{"frameCounter":1,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false},"frameIndex":0,"baseTime":1,"decodingInfo":"deltaValues: [t\u003d1 to t\u003d2, t\u003d2 to t\u003d3, ...]","channels":[{"name":"channel A","index":256,"deltaValues":[1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19]},{"name":"channel B","index":512,"deltaValues":[2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20]}]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse configuration
- 0x11 Pulse configuration
- 0x12 Pulse configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse data
- 0x47 Pulse alarm
- 0x48 Pulse historic data
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
frameIndex |
int |
Frame index |
baseTime |
int |
Base time |
decodingInfo |
String |
Values information: deltaValues [t=1 to t=2, t=2 to t=3, ...] |
channels |
Array |
Channels |
channel |
Channel |
Channel | |
String |
Channel name. Values can be: channel A or channel B |
channel.index |
int |
Index of the frame in a multi-message sequence |
channel.deltaValues |
Array |
Delta values : index variation of channel A and channel B during the time interval between 23 to 24 hours after transmitting the previous frame |
Payload | Pulse3 0x10 Configuration frame |
Description | Pulse3 0x10 Configuration frame. Tag pulse3 associated to the device.
Information frame on device configuration |
Example : | |
Input | 10A301003C390257003C27107530000A000000030005 |
Output |
{"type":"0x10 Pulse 3 configuration","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":true,"configurationInconsistency":false},"productMode":"PRODUCTION","numberOfHistorizationBeforeSending":60,"samplingPeriod":{"unit":"s","value":1198},"calculatedSendingPeriod":{"unit":"s","value":71880},"flowCalculationPeriod":{"unit":"m","value":15399},"channels":[{"name":"channel A","state":"enabled","type":"otherPullUpOff","debouncingPeriod":{"unit":"ms","value":0}},{"name":"channel B","state":"enabled","type":"gasPullUpOn","debouncingPeriod":{"unit":"ms","value":0}}]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x10 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Pulse 4 keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse 3 data
- 0x46 Pulse 4 data
- 0x47 Pulse 3 alarm
- 0x47 Pulse 4 alarm
- 0x5a Pulse 3 data - channel A
- 0x5a Pulse 4 data - channel A
- 0x5b Pulse 3 data - channel B
- 0x5b Pulse 4 data - channel B
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
productMode |
String |
Product mode. Values can be: |
numberOfHistorizationBeforeSending |
int |
Transmission period of the periodic frame |
samplingPeriod |
Period |
Sampling period |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
calculatedSendingPeriod |
Period |
Calculated sending period |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
flowCalculationPeriod |
PulsePeriod |
Flow Calculation Period |
pulsePeriod.value |
int |
Period |
pulsePeriod.unit |
String |
Period unit |
redundantSamples |
int |
Number of redundant samples per frame |
channels |
Array |
Channels |
channel |
Channel |
Channel | |
String |
Channel name. Values can be: channel A or channel B |
channel.state |
String |
State. Values can be: enabled or disabled |
channel.type |
String |
Type. Values can be: otherPullUpOff or gasPullUpOn |
channel.debouncingPeriod |
PulsePeriod |
Debouncing period |
pulsePeriod.value |
int |
Period |
pulsePeriod.unit |
String |
Period unit |
channel.leakageDetection |
LeakageDetection |
Leakage detection |
leakageDetection.overflowAlarmTriggerThreshold |
int |
Flow threshold |
leakageDetection.threshold |
int |
Leak threshold |
leakageDetection.dailyPeriodsBelowWhichLeakageAlarmTriggered |
int |
Number of daily periods under leak threshold |
channel.tamper |
Tamper |
Tamper |
tamper.activated |
boolean |
True if activated tamper |
tamper.samplePeriodForDetection |
PulsePeriod |
Sampling period |
pulsePeriod.value |
int |
Period |
pulsePeriod.unit |
String |
Period unit |
tamper.threshold |
int |
Number of sampling necessary before tamper alarm |
Payload | Pulse3 0x11 Pulse 3 Configuration frame |
Description | Pulse3 0x11 Pulse 3 Configuration frame. Tag pulse3 associated to the device.
Information frame on device configuration |
Example : | |
Input | 11400001000200030004 |
Output |
{"type":"0x11 Pulse 3 configuration","status":{"frameCounter":2,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"channels":[{"name":"channel A","leakageDetection":{"overflowAlarmTriggerThreshold":1,"threshold":3}},{"name":"channel B","leakageDetection":{"overflowAlarmTriggerThreshold":2,"threshold":4}}]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x10 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Pulse 4 keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse 3 data
- 0x46 Pulse 4 data
- 0x47 Pulse 3 alarm
- 0x47 Pulse 4 alarm
- 0x5a Pulse 3 data - channel A
- 0x5a Pulse 4 data - channel A
- 0x5b Pulse 3 data - channel B
- 0x5b Pulse 4 data - channel B
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
channels |
Array |
Channels |
channel |
Channel |
Channel | |
String |
Channel name. Values can be: channel A or channel B |
channel.leakageDetection |
LeakageDetection |
Leakage Dectection |
leakageDetection.overflowAlarmTriggerThreshold |
int |
Overflow Alarm Trigger Threshold |
leakageDetection.threshold |
int |
Threshold |
Payload | Pulse3 0x12 Pulse 3 Configuration frame |
Description | Pulse3 0x12 Pulse 3 Configuration frame. Tag pulse3 associated to the device.
Information frame on device configuration |
Example : | |
Input | 1280000500060203020301 |
Output |
{"type":"0x12 Pulse 3 configuration","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"channels":[{"name":"channel A","leakageDetection":{"dailyPeriodsBelowWhichLeakageAlarmTriggered":5},"tamper":{"samplePeriodForDetection":{"unit":"s","value":20},"threshold":3}},{"name":"channel B","leakageDetection":{"dailyPeriodsBelowWhichLeakageAlarmTriggered":6},"tamper":{"samplePeriodForDetection":{"unit":"s","value":20},"threshold":3}}]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x10 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Pulse 4 keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse 3 data
- 0x46 Pulse 4 data
- 0x47 Pulse 3 alarm
- 0x47 Pulse 4 alarm
- 0x5a Pulse 3 data - channel A
- 0x5a Pulse 4 data - channel A
- 0x5b Pulse 3 data - channel B
- 0x5b Pulse 4 data - channel B
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
channels |
Array |
Channels |
channel |
Channel |
Channel | |
String |
Channel name. Values can be: channel A or channel B |
channel.leakageDetection |
LeakageDetection |
Leakage Dectection |
leakageDetection.dailyPeriodsBelowWhichLeakageAlarmTriggered |
int |
Daily Periods Below Which Leakage Alarm Triggered |
channel.tamper |
Tamper |
Tamper |
tamper.samplePeriodForDetection |
PulsePeriod |
Period |
pulsePeriod.value |
int |
Period |
pulsePeriod.unit |
String |
Period unit |
tamper.threshold |
int |
Threshold |
Payload | Pulse3 0x20 Configuration |
Description | Pulse3 0x20 Configuration. Tag pulse3 associated to the device.
Frame of information on the network configuration |
Example : | |
Input | 20A30501 |
Output |
{"type":"0x20 Configuration","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":true,"configurationInconsistency":false},"loraAdr":true,"loraProvisioningMode":"OTAA","loraDutycyle":"activated","loraClassMode":"CLASS A"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x10 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Pulse 4 keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse 3 data
- 0x46 Pulse 4 data
- 0x47 Pulse 3 alarm
- 0x47 Pulse 4 alarm
- 0x5a Pulse 3 data - channel A
- 0x5a Pulse 4 data - channel A
- 0x5b Pulse 3 data - channel B
- 0x5b Pulse 4 data - channel B
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
loraAdr |
Boolean |
Activation of the ADR : true if ON, false if OFF |
loraProvisioningMode |
String |
Mode of activation : value can be ABP or OTAA (default value |
loraDutycyle |
String |
Dutycycle : values can be activated or deactivated |
loraClassMode |
String |
ClassMode : values can be CLASS A or CLASS C. |
Payload | Pulse3 0x30 Pulse 3 Keep Alive frame |
Description | Pulse3 0x30 Pulse 3 Keep Alive Frame. Tag pulse3 associated to the device.
Daily Keep-Alive frame |
Example : | |
Input | 3024E692C4310A80000010 |
Output |
{"type":"0x30 Pulse 3 keep alive","status":{"frameCounter":1,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"channels":[{"name":"channel A","flow":{"alarm":false,"last24hMin":32768,"last24hMax":37572},"tamperAlarm":true,"leakageAlarm":false},{"name":"channel B","flow":{"alarm":true,"last24hMin":16,"last24hMax":12554},"tamperAlarm":false,"leakageAlarm":true}]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x10 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Pulse 4 keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse 3 data
- 0x46 Pulse 4 data
- 0x47 Pulse 3 alarm
- 0x47 Pulse 4 alarm
- 0x5a Pulse 3 data - channel A
- 0x5a Pulse 4 data - channel A
- 0x5b Pulse 3 data - channel B
- 0x5b Pulse 4 data - channel B
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
channels |
Array |
Channels |
channel |
Channel |
Channel | |
String |
Channel name. Values can be: channel A or channel B |
channel.flow |
Flow |
Flow |
flow.alarm |
Boolean |
True if alarm is activated |
flow.last24hMin |
int |
Minimum measured flow on channel A within the last 24 hours |
flow.last24hMax |
int |
Maximum measured flow on channel within the last 24 hours |
channel.tamperAlarm |
Boolean |
Tamper decteted : true or false |
channel.leakageAlarm |
Boolean |
Leak decteted : true or false |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Pulse3 0x33 Set Register Status frame |
Description | Pulse3 0x33 Set Register Status Frame. Tag pulse3 associated to the device.
Reply frame to a request for changing value of a register |
Example : | |
Input | 3380040140 |
Output |
{"type":"0x33 Set register status","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"requestStatus":"errorInvalidRegister","registerId":320}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x10 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Pulse 4 keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse 3 data
- 0x46 Pulse 4 data
- 0x47 Pulse 3 alarm
- 0x47 Pulse 4 alarm
- 0x5a Pulse 3 data - channel A
- 0x5a Pulse 4 data - channel A
- 0x5b Pulse 3 data - channel B
- 0x5b Pulse 4 data - channel B
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
requestStatus |
String |
Request status. Values can be: - errorOtherReason
- success
- successNoUpdate
- errorCoherency
- errorInvalidRegister
- errorInvalidValue
- errorTruncatedValue
- errorAccesNotAllowed
registerId |
int |
Indicates to the user the register that caused the error, only if requestStatus is different from success. |
Payload | Pulse3 0x46 Pulse 3 Data frame |
Description | Pulse3 0x46 Pulse 3 Data Frame. Tag pulse3 associated to the device.
Data frame without historisation |
Example : | |
Input | 46A300015C4F0000F74A |
Output |
{"type":"0x46 Pulse 3 data","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":true,"configurationInconsistency":false},"decodingInfo":"counterValues: [Channel A, Channel B]","counterValues":[89167,63306]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x10 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Pulse 4 keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse 3 data
- 0x46 Pulse 4 data
- 0x47 Pulse 3 alarm
- 0x47 Pulse 4 alarm
- 0x5a Pulse 3 data - channel A
- 0x5a Pulse 4 data - channel A
- 0x5b Pulse 3 data - channel B
- 0x5b Pulse 4 data - channel B
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
decodingInfo |
String |
Values information: counterValues [Channel A, Channel B] |
counterValues |
Array |
Counter values |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Pulse3 0x47 Pulse 3 Alarm frame |
Description | Pulse3 0x47 Pulse 3 Alarm Frame. Tag pulse3 associated to the device.
Alarm frame |
Example : | |
Input | 47a00f780000 |
Output |
{"type":"0x47 Pulse 3 alarm","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"decodingInfo":"flowValues: [Channel A, Channel B]","flowValues":[3960,0]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x10 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Pulse 4 keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse 3 data
- 0x46 Pulse 4 data
- 0x47 Pulse 3 alarm
- 0x47 Pulse 4 alarm
- 0x5a Pulse 3 data - channel A
- 0x5a Pulse 4 data - channel A
- 0x5b Pulse 3 data - channel B
- 0x5b Pulse 4 data - channel B
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
decodingInfo |
String |
Values information: flowValues [Channel A, Channel B] |
flowValues |
Array |
Flow values |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Pulse3 0x5a Pulse 3 Data Channel A frame |
Description | Pulse3 0x5a Pulse 3 Data Channel A Frame. Tag pulse3 associated to the device.
Periodic frame with historisation |
Example : | |
Input | 5AA300015C4FE6F3F74AE6F3E6F3E6F3E6F3E6F3E6F3E6F3E6F3E6F3E6F3E6F3E6F3E6F3E6F3E6F3E6F3E6F3E6F3E6F3F2AD |
Output |
{"type":"0x5a Pulse 3 data - channel A","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":true,"configurationInconsistency":false},"decodingInfo":"counterValues: [t\u003d0, t-1, t-2, ...]","counterValues":[89167,30044,-33262,-92385,-151508,-210631,-269754,-328877,-388000,-447123,-506246,-565369,-624492,-683615,-742738,-801861,-860984,-920107,-979230,-1038353,-1097476,-1156599,-1218724]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x10 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Pulse 4 keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse 3 data
- 0x46 Pulse 4 data
- 0x47 Pulse 3 alarm
- 0x47 Pulse 4 alarm
- 0x5a Pulse 3 data - channel A
- 0x5a Pulse 4 data - channel A
- 0x5b Pulse 3 data - channel B
- 0x5b Pulse 4 data - channel B
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
decodingInfo |
String |
Values information: counterValues: [t=0, t-1, t-2, ...] |
counterValues |
Array |
Counter values |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Pulse3 0x5b Pulse 3 Data Channel B frame |
Description | Pulse3 0x5b Pulse 3 Data Channel B Frame. Tag pulse3 associated to the device.
Periodic frame with historisation |
Example : | |
Input | 5B8200015C4FE6F3 |
Output |
{"type":"0x5b Pulse 3 data - channel B","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false},"decodingInfo":"counterValues: [t\u003d0, t-1, t-2, ...]","counterValues":[89167,30044]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x10 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Pulse 4 keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse 3 data
- 0x46 Pulse 4 data
- 0x47 Pulse 3 alarm
- 0x47 Pulse 4 alarm
- 0x5a Pulse 3 data - channel A
- 0x5a Pulse 4 data - channel A
- 0x5b Pulse 3 data - channel B
- 0x5b Pulse 4 data - channel B
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
decodingInfo |
String |
Values information: counterValues: [t=0, t-1, t-2, ...] |
counterValues |
Array |
Counter values |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Pulse4 0x10 configuration frame |
Description | Pulse4 0x10 configuration frame. Tag pulse4 associated to the device.
This frame is sent following the reception of a frame with code 0x01, or at the start of the product. |
Example : | |
Input | 100001000239012C57003C27107530000A0000000300050103060A0D |
Output |
{"type":"0x10 Pulse 4 configuration","status":{"frameCounter":0,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"timestamp":false},"productMode":"PRODUCTION","numberOfHistorizationBeforeSending":2,"samplingPeriod":{"unit":"s","value":600},"calculatedSendingPeriod":{"unit":"s","value":1200},"flowCalculationPeriod":{"unit":"m","value":60},"redundantSamples":13,"channels":[{"name":"channel A","state":"enabled","type":"otherPullUpOff","debouncingPeriod":{"unit":"ms","value":500},"leakageDetection":{"overflowAlarmTriggerThreshold":10000,"threshold":10,"dailyPeriodsBelowWhichLeakageAlarmTriggered":3},"tamper":{"activated":true,"samplePeriodForDetection":{"unit":"s","value":10},"threshold":3}},{"name":"channel B","state":"enabled","type":"gasPullUpOn","debouncingPeriod":{"unit":"ms","value":100},"leakageDetection":{"overflowAlarmTriggerThreshold":30000,"threshold":0,"dailyPeriodsBelowWhichLeakageAlarmTriggered":5},"tamper":{"activated":false,"samplePeriodForDetection":{"unit":"s","value":60},"threshold":10}}]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x10 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Pulse 4 keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse 3 data
- 0x46 Pulse 4 data
- 0x47 Pulse 3 alarm
- 0x47 Pulse 4 alarm
- 0x5a Pulse 3 data - channel A
- 0x5a Pulse 4 data - channel A
- 0x5b Pulse 3 data - channel B
- 0x5b Pulse 4 data - channel B
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
productMode |
String |
Product mode. Values can be: |
numberOfHistorizationBeforeSending |
int |
Transmission period of the periodic frame |
samplingPeriod |
Period |
Sampling period |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
calculatedSendingPeriod |
Period |
Calculated sending period |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
flowCalculationPeriod |
PulsePeriod |
Flow Calculation Period |
pulsePeriod.value |
int |
Period |
pulsePeriod.unit |
String |
Period unit |
redundantSamples |
int |
Number of redundant samples per frame |
channels |
Array |
Channels |
channel |
Channel |
Channel | |
String |
Channel name. Values can be: channel A or channel B |
channel.state |
String |
State. Values can be: enabled or disabled |
channel.type |
String |
Type. Values can be: otherPullUpOff or gasPullUpOn |
channel.debouncingPeriod |
PulsePeriod |
Debouncing period |
pulsePeriod.value |
int |
Period |
pulsePeriod.unit |
String |
Period unit |
channel.leakageDetection |
LeakageDetection |
Leakage detection |
leakageDetection.overflowAlarmTriggerThreshold |
int |
Flow threshold |
leakageDetection.threshold |
int |
Leak threshold |
leakageDetection.dailyPeriodsBelowWhichLeakageAlarmTriggered |
int |
Number of daily periods under leak threshold |
channel.tamper |
Tamper |
Tamper |
tamper.activated |
boolean |
True if activated tamper |
tamper.samplePeriodForDetection |
PulsePeriod |
Sampling period |
pulsePeriod.value |
int |
Period |
pulsePeriod.unit |
String |
Period unit |
tamper.threshold |
int |
Number of sampling necessary before tamper alarm |
Payload | Pulse4 0x11 Pulse 4 configuration frame |
Description | Pulse4 0x11 Pulse 4 configurationn frame. Tag pulse4 associated to the device.
Information frame on device configuration |
Example : | |
Input | 11400001000200030004 |
Output |
{"type":"0x11 Pulse 4 configuration","status":{"frameCounter":2,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"timestamp":false},"channels":[{"name":"channel A","leakageDetection":{"overflowAlarmTriggerThreshold":1,"threshold":3}},{"name":"channel B","leakageDetection":{"overflowAlarmTriggerThreshold":2,"threshold":4}}]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x10 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Pulse 4 keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse 3 data
- 0x46 Pulse 4 data
- 0x47 Pulse 3 alarm
- 0x47 Pulse 4 alarm
- 0x5a Pulse 3 data - channel A
- 0x5a Pulse 4 data - channel A
- 0x5b Pulse 3 data - channel B
- 0x5b Pulse 4 data - channel B
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
channels |
Array |
Channels |
channel |
Channel |
Channel | |
String |
Channel name. Values can be: channel A or channel B |
channel.leakageDetection |
LeakageDetection |
Leakage Dectection |
leakageDetection.overflowAlarmTriggerThreshold |
int |
Overflow Alarm Trigger Threshold |
leakageDetection.threshold |
int |
Threshold |
Payload | Pulse4 0x12 Pulse 4 configuration frame |
Description | Pulse4 0x12 Pulse 4 configuration frame. Tag pulse4 associated to the device.
Information frame on device configuration |
Example : | |
Input | 1280000500060203020301 |
Output |
{"type":"0x12 Pulse 4 configuration","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"timestamp":false},"channels":[{"name":"channel A","leakageDetection":{"dailyPeriodsBelowWhichLeakageAlarmTriggered":5},"tamper":{"samplePeriodForDetection":{"unit":"s","value":20},"threshold":3}},{"name":"channel B","leakageDetection":{"dailyPeriodsBelowWhichLeakageAlarmTriggered":6},"tamper":{"samplePeriodForDetection":{"unit":"s","value":20},"threshold":3}}]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x10 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Pulse 4 keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse 3 data
- 0x46 Pulse 4 data
- 0x47 Pulse 3 alarm
- 0x47 Pulse 4 alarm
- 0x5a Pulse 3 data - channel A
- 0x5a Pulse 4 data - channel A
- 0x5b Pulse 3 data - channel B
- 0x5b Pulse 4 data - channel B
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
channels |
Array |
Channels |
channel |
Channel |
Channel | |
String |
Channel name. Values can be: channel A or channel B |
channel.leakageDetection |
LeakageDetection |
Leakage Dectection |
leakageDetection.dailyPeriodsBelowWhichLeakageAlarmTriggered |
int |
Daily Periods Below Which Leakage Alarm Triggered |
channel.tamper |
Tamper |
Tamper |
tamper.samplePeriodForDetection |
PulsePeriod |
Period |
pulsePeriod.value |
int |
Period |
pulsePeriod.unit |
String |
Period unit |
tamper.threshold |
int |
Threshold |
Payload | Pulse4 0x20 Configuration |
Description | Pulse4 0x20 Configuration. Tag pulse4 associated to the device.
This frame is sent following the reception of a frame with code 0x02, or at the start of the product. |
Example : | |
Input | 20200501 |
Output |
{"type":"0x20 Configuration","status":{"frameCounter":1,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"timestamp":false},"loraAdr":true,"loraProvisioningMode":"OTAA","loraDutycyle":"activated","loraClassMode":"CLASS A"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x10 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Pulse 4 keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse 3 data
- 0x46 Pulse 4 data
- 0x47 Pulse 3 alarm
- 0x47 Pulse 4 alarm
- 0x5a Pulse 3 data - channel A
- 0x5a Pulse 4 data - channel A
- 0x5b Pulse 3 data - channel B
- 0x5b Pulse 4 data - channel B
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
loraAdr |
Boolean |
Activation of the ADR : true if ON, false if OFF |
loraProvisioningMode |
String |
Mode of activation : value can be ABP or OTAA (default value |
loraDutycyle |
String |
Dutycycle : values can be activated or deactivated |
loraClassMode |
String |
ClassMode : values can be CLASS A or CLASS C. |
Payload | Pulse4 0x30 Pulse 4 keep alive frame |
Description | Pulse4 0x30 Pulse 4 keep alive. Tag pulse4 associated to the device.
Daily Keep-Alive frame. This frame (0x30) is transmitted 24 hours after the startup of the application or after the transmission of the previous Keep Alive frame. |
Example : | |
Input | 302619310A12C40010000014ABA3E9 |
Output |
{"type":"0x30 Pulse 4 keep alive","status":{"frameCounter":1,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":false,"timestamp":true},"timestamp":"2023-12-28T19:22:17.000","channels":[{"name":"channel A","flow":{"alarm":true,"last24hMin":16,"last24hMax":12554},"tamperAlarm":false,"leakageAlarm":true},{"name":"channel B","flow":{"alarm":false,"last24hMin":0,"last24hMax":4804},"tamperAlarm":true,"leakageAlarm":false}]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x10 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Pulse 4 keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse 3 data
- 0x46 Pulse 4 data
- 0x47 Pulse 3 alarm
- 0x47 Pulse 4 alarm
- 0x5a Pulse 3 data - channel A
- 0x5a Pulse 4 data - channel A
- 0x5b Pulse 3 data - channel B
- 0x5b Pulse 4 data - channel B
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
channels |
Array |
Channels |
channel |
Channel |
Channel | |
String |
Channel name. Values can be: channel A or channel B |
channel.flow |
Flow |
Flow |
flow.alarm |
Boolean |
True if alarm is activated |
flow.last24hMin |
int |
Minimum measured flow on channel A within the last 24 hours |
flow.last24hMax |
int |
Maximum measured flow on channel within the last 24 hours |
channel.tamperAlarm |
Boolean |
Tamper decteted : true or false |
channel.leakageAlarm |
Boolean |
Leak decteted : true or false |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Pulse4 0x33 Set Register Status frame |
Description | Pulse4 0x33 Set Register Status Frame. Tag pulse4 associated to the device.
Reply frame to a request for changing value of a register |
Example : | |
Input | 338004013F |
Output |
{"type":"0x33 Set register status","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"timestamp":false},"requestStatus":"errorInvalidRegister","registerId":319}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x10 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Pulse 4 keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse 3 data
- 0x46 Pulse 4 data
- 0x47 Pulse 3 alarm
- 0x47 Pulse 4 alarm
- 0x5a Pulse 3 data - channel A
- 0x5a Pulse 4 data - channel A
- 0x5b Pulse 3 data - channel B
- 0x5b Pulse 4 data - channel B
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
requestStatus |
String |
Request status. Values can be: - errorOtherReason
- success
- successNoUpdate
- errorCoherency
- errorInvalidRegister
- errorInvalidValue
- errorTruncatedValue
- errorAccesNotAllowed
registerId |
int |
Indicates to the user the register that caused the error, only if requestStatus is different from success. |
Payload | Pulse4 0x46 Pulse 4 data frame |
Description | Pulse4 0x46 Pulse 4 data. Tag pulse4 associated to the device.
Data frame without historisation |
Example : | |
Input | 462400015C4F0000F74A14ABA3E9 |
Output |
{"type":"0x46 Pulse 4 data","status":{"frameCounter":1,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"timestamp":true},"timestamp":"2023-12-28T19:22:17.000","decodingInfo":"counterValues: [Channel A, Channel B]","counterValues":[89167,63306]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x10 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Pulse 4 keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse 3 data
- 0x46 Pulse 4 data
- 0x47 Pulse 3 alarm
- 0x47 Pulse 4 alarm
- 0x5a Pulse 3 data - channel A
- 0x5a Pulse 4 data - channel A
- 0x5b Pulse 3 data - channel B
- 0x5b Pulse 4 data - channel B
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
decodingInfo |
String |
Values information: counterValues [Channel A, Channel B] |
counterValues |
Array |
Counter values |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Pulse4 0x47 Pulse 4 alarm frame |
Description | Pulse4 0x47 Pulse 4 alarm Frame. Tag pulse4 associated to the device.
Alarm frame. This frame is sent if the measured flow of one of the channels exceeds the configured threshold for this channel |
Example : | |
Input | 47a42904206C0ED9C520 |
Output |
{"type":"0x47 Pulse 4 alarm","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"timestamp":true},"timestamp":"2020-11-23T17:06:40.000","decodingInfo":"flowValues: [Channel A, Channel B]","flowValues":[10500,8300]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x10 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Pulse 4 keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse 3 data
- 0x46 Pulse 4 data
- 0x47 Pulse 3 alarm
- 0x47 Pulse 4 alarm
- 0x5a Pulse 3 data - channel A
- 0x5a Pulse 4 data - channel A
- 0x5b Pulse 3 data - channel B
- 0x5b Pulse 4 data - channel B
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
decodingInfo |
String |
Values information: flowValues [Channel A, Channel B] |
flowValues |
Array |
Flow values |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Pulse4 0x5a Pulse 4 data - channel A frame |
Description | Pulse4 0x5a Pulse 4 data - channel A. Tag pulse4 associated to the device.
Periodic frame with historisation |
Example : | |
Input | 5A8600015C4FE6F30ED9C520 |
Output |
{"type":"0x5a Pulse 4 data - channel A","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":false,"timestamp":true},"timestamp":"2020-11-23T17:06:40.000","decodingInfo":"counterValues: [t\u003d0, t-1, t-2, ...]","counterValues":[89167,30044]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x10 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Pulse 4 keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse 3 data
- 0x46 Pulse 4 data
- 0x47 Pulse 3 alarm
- 0x47 Pulse 4 alarm
- 0x5a Pulse 3 data - channel A
- 0x5a Pulse 4 data - channel A
- 0x5b Pulse 3 data - channel B
- 0x5b Pulse 4 data - channel B
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
decodingInfo |
String |
Values information: counterValues: [t=0, t-1, t-2, ...] |
counterValues |
Array |
Counter values |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Pulse4 0x5b Pulse 4 data - channel B frame |
Description | Pulse4 0x5b Pulse 4 data - channel B. Tag pulse4 associated to the device.
Periodic frame with historisation |
Example : | |
Input | 5B8600015C4FE6F30ED9C520 |
Output |
{"type":"0x5b Pulse 4 data - channel B","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":false,"timestamp":true},"timestamp":"2020-11-23T17:06:40.000","decodingInfo":"counterValues: [t\u003d0, t-1, t-2, ...]","counterValues":[89167,30044]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x10 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x11 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 3 configuration
- 0x12 Pulse 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Pulse 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Pulse 4 keep alive
- 0x46 Pulse 3 data
- 0x46 Pulse 4 data
- 0x47 Pulse 3 alarm
- 0x47 Pulse 4 alarm
- 0x5a Pulse 3 data - channel A
- 0x5a Pulse 4 data - channel A
- 0x5b Pulse 3 data - channel B
- 0x5b Pulse 4 data - channel B
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
decodingInfo |
String |
Values information: counterValues: [t=0, t-1, t-2, ...] |
counterValues |
Array |
Counter values |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Temp 0x10 Product Configuration frame Production mode |
Description | Temp 0x10 Product Configuration frame Production mode. Tag temp associated to the device.
The first frame after the reboot, all registers are in default values. |
Example : | |
Input | 100090030003100301020a |
Output |
{"type":"0x10 Temperature configuration","status":{"frameCounter":0,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"probe1Alarm":false,"probe2Alarm":false},"transmissionPeriodKeepAlive":{"unit":"m","value":1440},"transmissionPeriodData":{"unit":"m","value":30},"samplingPeriod":{"unit":"m","value":10},"probes":[{"name":"probe 1","id":0,"threshold":"both","state":"deactivated"},{"name":"probe 2","id":1,"threshold":"both","state":"activated"}],"productMode":"PRODUCTION"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Temperature configuration
- 0x11 Temperature configuration
- 0x12 Temperature configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Temperature keep alive
- 0x43 Temperature data
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.probe1Alarm |
boolean |
True if probe 1 alarm |
status.probe2Alarm |
boolean |
True if probe 2 alarm |
transmissionPeriodKeepAlive |
Period |
Transmission period of the Keep Alive frame. |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
transmissionPeriodData |
Period |
Transmission Period Data |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
samplingPeriod |
Period |
Sampling period |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
probes |
Array |
Probes |
probe |
Probe |
Probe | |
String |
Name : probe 1 when sensor 1, probe 2 when sensor 2 | |
Number |
Id |
probe.threshold |
String |
Threshold. Values can be both, high, low |
probe.state |
String |
State. Values can be activated or deactivated |
productMode |
String |
Product mode : Park, Production, Test or Repli. |
Payload | Temp 0x11 Internal sensor configuration frame |
Description | Temp 0x11 Internal sensor configuration frame. Tag temp associated to the device.
Internal sensor configuration - All registers are in default values. The frame counter is 1. |
Example : | |
Input | 1120012c0a00320a02 |
Output |
{"type":"0x11 Temperature configuration","status":{"frameCounter":1,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"probe1Alarm":false,"probe2Alarm":false},"threshold":{"name":"probe 1","unit":"°C","high":{"value":30,"hysteresis":1},"low":{"value":5,"hysteresis":1}},"superSamplingFactor":2}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Temperature configuration
- 0x11 Temperature configuration
- 0x12 Temperature configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Temperature keep alive
- 0x43 Temperature data
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.probe1Alarm |
boolean |
True if probe 1 alarm |
status.probe2Alarm |
boolean |
True if probe 2 alarm |
threshold |
Threshold |
Threshold | |
String |
Name : probe 1 when sensor 1, probe 2 when sensor 2 |
threshold.unit |
String |
Unit in degrees celsius |
threshold.high |
Hysteresis |
High threshold in celsius |
hysteresis.value |
Number |
Value |
hysteresis.hysteresis |
Number |
Hysteresis of the threshold in celsuis |
threshold.low |
Hysteresis |
Low threshold in celsius |
hysteresis.value |
Number |
Value |
hysteresis.hysteresis |
Number |
Hysteresis of the threshold in celsuis |
superSamplingFactor |
Number |
Super-sampling factor |
Payload | Temp 0x12 External sensor configuration |
Description | Temp 0x12 External sensor configuration. Tag temp associated to the device.
External sensor configuration - All registers are in default values. The frame counter is 2. |
Example : | |
Input | 1240012c0a00320a |
Output |
{"type":"0x12 Temperature configuration","status":{"frameCounter":2,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"probe1Alarm":false,"probe2Alarm":false},"threshold":{"name":"probe 2","unit":"°C","high":{"value":30,"hysteresis":1},"low":{"value":5,"hysteresis":1}}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Temperature configuration
- 0x11 Temperature configuration
- 0x12 Temperature configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Temperature keep alive
- 0x43 Temperature data
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.probe1Alarm |
boolean |
True if probe 1 alarm |
status.probe2Alarm |
boolean |
True if probe 2 alarm |
threshold |
Threshold |
Threshold | |
String |
Name : probe 1 when sensor 1, probe 2 when sensor 2 |
threshold.unit |
String |
Unit in degrees celsius |
threshold.high |
Hysteresis |
High threshold in celsius |
hysteresis.value |
Number |
Value |
hysteresis.hysteresis |
Number |
Hysteresis of the threshold in celsuis |
threshold.low |
Hysteresis |
Low threshold in celsius |
hysteresis.value |
Number |
Value |
hysteresis.hysteresis |
Number |
Hysteresis of the threshold in celsuis |
superSamplingFactor |
Number |
Super-sampling factor |
Payload | Temp 0x20 Configuration frame |
Description | Temp 0x20 Configuration frame. Tag temp associated to the device.
The device is configured with OTAA and the adaptative data rate is enabled. The frame counter is 3. |
Example : | |
Input | 20620101 |
Output |
{"type":"0x20 Configuration","status":{"frameCounter":3,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":false,"probe1Alarm":false,"probe2Alarm":false},"loraAdr":true,"loraProvisioningMode":"OTAA"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Temperature configuration
- 0x11 Temperature configuration
- 0x12 Temperature configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Temperature keep alive
- 0x43 Temperature data
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.probe1Alarm |
boolean |
True if probe 1 alarm |
status.probe2Alarm |
boolean |
True if probe 2 alarm |
loraAdr |
Boolean |
Activation of the ADR : true if ON, false if OFF |
loraProvisioningMode |
String |
Mode of activation : value can be ABP or OTAA (default value |
loraClassMode |
String |
ClassMode : values can be CLASS A or CLASS C. |
Payload | Temp 0x30 Keep alive frame |
Description | Temp 0x30 Keep alive frame. Tag temp associated to the device.
The frame counter is 5. |
Example : | |
Input | 30a2018000128000 |
Output |
{"type":"0x30 Temperature keep alive","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":false,"probe1Alarm":false,"probe2Alarm":false},"temperatures":[{"name":"probe 1","id":0,"unit":"°C","value":-3276.8},{"name":"probe 2","id":1,"unit":"°C","value":-3276.8}]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Temperature configuration
- 0x11 Temperature configuration
- 0x12 Temperature configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Temperature keep alive
- 0x43 Temperature data
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.probe1Alarm |
boolean |
True if probe 1 alarm |
status.probe2Alarm |
boolean |
True if probe 2 alarm |
temperatures |
Array |
Temperatures |
temperature |
Temperature |
Temperature |
temperature.unit |
String |
Degrees Celcius |
temperature.value |
Number |
Temperature value | |
String |
Name | |
Number |
Id |
Payload | Temp 0x43 Data frame |
Description | Temp 0x43 Data frame. Tag temp associated to the device.
The frame counter is 4. |
Example : | |
Input | 43400100f4028000 |
Output |
{"type":"0x43 Temperature data","status":{"frameCounter":2,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"probe1Alarm":false,"probe2Alarm":false},"temperatures":[{"name":"probe 1","id":0,"unit":"°C","value":24.4},{"name":"probe 2","id":0,"unit":"°C","value":-3276.8}]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Temperature configuration
- 0x11 Temperature configuration
- 0x12 Temperature configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Temperature keep alive
- 0x43 Temperature data
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.probe1Alarm |
boolean |
True if probe 1 alarm |
status.probe2Alarm |
boolean |
True if probe 2 alarm |
temperatures |
Array |
Temperatures |
temperature |
Temperature |
Temperature |
temperature.unit |
String |
Degrees Celcius |
temperature.value |
Number |
Temperature value | |
String |
Name | |
Number |
Id |
Payload | Temp3 0x10 Product Configuration frame Production mode |
Description | Temp3 0x10 Product Configuration frame Production mode. Default tag temp3 associated to the device.
This frame is sent following the reception of a frame with code 0x01, or at the start of the product. |
Example : | |
Input | 101021C000030002070800 |
Output |
{"type":"0x10 Temp 3 configuration","status":{"frameCounter":0,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"configuration2ChannelsActivated":true},"transmissionPeriodKeepAlive":{"unit":"s","value":86400},"numberOfHistorizationBeforeSending":3,"numberOfSamplingBeforeHistorization":2,"samplingPeriod":{"unit":"s","value":3600},"redundantSamples":0,"calculatedPeriodRecording":{"unit":"s","value":7200},"calculatedSendingPeriod":{"unit":"s","value":21600}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Temp 3 configuration
- 0x10 Temp 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Temp 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Temp 4 keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x36 Alert message
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x57 Temp 3 periodic data
- 0x57 Temp 4 periodic data
- 0x58 Temp 3 alarm
- 0x58 Temp 4 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.configuration2ChannelsActivated |
boolean |
True if 2 channels are activated, false if 1 channel is activated |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
transmissionPeriodKeepAlive |
Period |
Transmission period of the Keep Alive frame. |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
numberOfHistorizationBeforeSending |
int |
Transmission period of the periodic frame |
numberOfSamplingBeforeHistorization |
int |
History period |
samplingPeriod |
Period |
Sampling period |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
redundantSamples |
int |
Number of additional (redundant) samples per frame |
calculatedPeriodRecording |
Period |
Calculated period recording |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
calculatedSendingPeriod |
Period |
Calculated sending period |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
Payload | Temp3 0x20 Network configuration frame |
Description | Temp3 0x20 Network configuration frame. Default tag temp3 associated to the device.
This frame is sent following the reception of a frame with code 0x02, or at the start of the product. |
Example : | |
Input | 20300501 |
Output |
{"type":"0x20 Configuration","status":{"frameCounter":1,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"configuration2ChannelsActivated":true},"loraAdr":true,"loraProvisioningMode":"OTAA","loraDutycyle":"activated","loraClassMode":"CLASS A"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Temp 3 configuration
- 0x10 Temp 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Temp 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Temp 4 keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x36 Alert message
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x57 Temp 3 periodic data
- 0x57 Temp 4 periodic data
- 0x58 Temp 3 alarm
- 0x58 Temp 4 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.configuration2ChannelsActivated |
boolean |
True if 2 channels are activated, false if 1 channel is activated |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
loraAdr |
Boolean |
Activation of the ADR : true if ON, false if OFF |
loraProvisioningMode |
String |
Mode of activation : value can be ABP or OTAA (default value |
loraDutycyle |
String |
Dutycycle : values can be activated or deactivated |
loraClassMode |
String |
ClassMode : values can be CLASS A or CLASS C. |
Payload | Temp3 0x30 Keep Alive frame |
Description | Temp3 0x30 Keep Alive frame. Default tag temp3 associated to the device.
Keep Alive Frame |
Example : | |
Input | 30F201B3FF9C |
Output |
{"type":"0x30 Temp 3 keep alive","status":{"frameCounter":7,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"configuration2ChannelsActivated":true},"temperatures":[{"name":"temperature 1","unit":"°C","value":43.5},{"name":"temperature 2","unit":"°C","value":-10}]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Temp 3 configuration
- 0x10 Temp 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Temp 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Temp 4 keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x36 Alert message
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x57 Temp 3 periodic data
- 0x57 Temp 4 periodic data
- 0x58 Temp 3 alarm
- 0x58 Temp 4 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.configuration2ChannelsActivated |
boolean |
True if 2 channels are activated, false if 1 channel is activated |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
temperatures |
Array |
Sensor Temperatures |
sensorTemperature |
SensorTemperature |
SensorTemperature | |
String |
Name : temperature 1 when sensor 1, temperature 2 when sensor 2 |
sensorTemperature.unit |
String |
Degrees Celcius |
sensorTemperature.value |
Number |
Temperature value |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Temp3 0x33 Set Register Status |
Description | Temp3 0x33 Set Register Status. Default tag temp3 associated to the device.
Response to Set register request |
Example : | |
Input | 3380040140 |
Output |
{"type":"0x33 Set register status","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"configuration2ChannelsActivated":false},"requestStatus":"errorInvalidRegister","registerId":320}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Temp 3 configuration
- 0x10 Temp 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Temp 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Temp 4 keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x36 Alert message
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x57 Temp 3 periodic data
- 0x57 Temp 4 periodic data
- 0x58 Temp 3 alarm
- 0x58 Temp 4 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.configuration2ChannelsActivated |
boolean |
True if 2 channels are activated, false if 1 channel is activated |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
requestStatus |
String |
Request status. Values can be: - errorOtherReason
- success
- successNoUpdate
- errorCoherency
- errorInvalidRegister
- errorInvalidValue
- errorTruncatedValue
- errorAccesNotAllowed
registerId |
int |
Indicates to the user the register that caused the error, only if requestStatus is different from success. |
Payload | Temp3 0x57 Periodic Data |
Description | Temp3 0x57 Periodic Data. Default tag temp3 associated to the device.
Periodic Data Frames |
Example : | |
Input | 57B0010D010B01180119012001220125012F0129013E01230136 |
Output |
{"type":"0x57 Temp 3 periodic data","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"configuration2ChannelsActivated":true},"decodingInfo":"values: [t\u003d0, t-1, t-2, ...]","temperatures":[{"name":"temperature 1","unit":"°C","values":[26.9,28,28.8,29.3,29.7,29.1]},{"name":"temperature 2","unit":"°C","values":[26.7,28.1,29,30.3,31.8,31]}]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Temp 3 configuration
- 0x10 Temp 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Temp 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Temp 4 keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x36 Alert message
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x57 Temp 3 periodic data
- 0x57 Temp 4 periodic data
- 0x58 Temp 3 alarm
- 0x58 Temp 4 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.configuration2ChannelsActivated |
boolean |
True if 2 channels are activated, false if 1 channel is activated |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
decodingInfo |
String |
List of temperatures : t0, t-1, t-2, t-3,t-4, t-5, ... |
temperatures |
Array |
Sensor Temperatures |
sensorTemperature |
SensorTemperature |
SensorTemperature | |
String |
Name : temperature 1 when sensor 1, temperature 2 when sensor 2 |
sensorTemperature.unit |
String |
Degrees Celcius |
sensorTemperature.values |
Array |
Sensor temperature values in array |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp when timestamping is enable, in EPOCH 2013 format. |
Payload | Temp3 0x58 Alarm |
Description | Temp3 0x58 Alarm. Default tag temp3 associated to the device.
This frame is sent during the appearance, or disappearance, of a threshold exceeding alarm. |
Example : | |
Input | 5890000028020032 |
Output |
{"type":"0x58 Temp 3 alarm","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"configuration2ChannelsActivated":true},"alarms":[{"name":"temperature 1","alarmStatus":"none","temperature":{"unit":"°C","value":4}},{"name":"temperature 2","alarmStatus":"lowThreshold","temperature":{"unit":"°C","value":5}}]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Temp 3 configuration
- 0x10 Temp 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Temp 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Temp 4 keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x36 Alert message
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x57 Temp 3 periodic data
- 0x57 Temp 4 periodic data
- 0x58 Temp 3 alarm
- 0x58 Temp 4 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.configuration2ChannelsActivated |
boolean |
True if 2 channels are activated, false if 1 channel is activated |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
alarms |
Array |
Sensor Alarms |
sensorAlarm |
SensorAlarm |
SensorAlarm | |
String |
Name : temperature 1 when sensor 1, temperature 2 when sensor 2 |
sensorAlarm.alarmStatus |
String |
Alarm Status. Values can be: none, highThreshold, lowThreshold. |
sensorAlarm.temperature |
Temperature |
Sensor temperature in degrees Celcius |
temperature.unit |
String |
Degrees Celcius |
temperature.value |
Number |
Temperature value |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp when timestamping is enable, in EPOCH 2013 format. |
Payload | Temp4 0x10 Temp 4 configuration frame |
Description | Temp4 0x10 Temp 4 configuration frame. Tag temp4 associated to the device.
This frame is sent following the reception of a frame with code 0x01, or at the start of the product. |
Example : | |
Input | 101021C000030002070800 |
Output |
{"type":"0x10 Temp 4 configuration","status":{"frameCounter":0,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"configuration2ChannelsActivated":true,"timestamp":false},"transmissionPeriodKeepAlive":{"unit":"s","value":86400},"numberOfHistorizationBeforeSending":3,"numberOfSamplingBeforeHistorization":2,"samplingPeriod":{"unit":"s","value":3600},"redundantSamples":0,"calculatedPeriodRecording":{"unit":"s","value":7200},"calculatedSendingPeriod":{"unit":"s","value":21600}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Temp 3 configuration
- 0x10 Temp 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Temp 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Temp 4 keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x36 Alert message
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x57 Temp 3 periodic data
- 0x57 Temp 4 periodic data
- 0x58 Temp 3 alarm
- 0x58 Temp 4 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.configuration2ChannelsActivated |
boolean |
True if 2 channels are activated, false if 1 channel is activated |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
transmissionPeriodKeepAlive |
Period |
Transmission period of the Keep Alive frame. |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
numberOfHistorizationBeforeSending |
int |
Transmission period of the periodic frame |
numberOfSamplingBeforeHistorization |
int |
History period |
samplingPeriod |
Period |
Sampling period |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
redundantSamples |
int |
Number of additional (redundant) samples per frame |
calculatedPeriodRecording |
Period |
Calculated period recording |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
calculatedSendingPeriod |
Period |
Calculated sending period |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
Payload | Temp4 0x20 Configuration frame |
Description | Temp4 0x20 Configuration frame. Tag temp4 associated to the device.
This frame is sent following the reception of a frame with code 0x02, or at the start of the product. |
Example : | |
Input | 20300501 |
Output |
{"type":"0x20 Configuration","status":{"frameCounter":1,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"configuration2ChannelsActivated":true,"timestamp":false},"loraAdr":true,"loraProvisioningMode":"OTAA","loraDutycyle":"activated","loraClassMode":"CLASS A"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Temp 3 configuration
- 0x10 Temp 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Temp 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Temp 4 keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x36 Alert message
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x57 Temp 3 periodic data
- 0x57 Temp 4 periodic data
- 0x58 Temp 3 alarm
- 0x58 Temp 4 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.configuration2ChannelsActivated |
boolean |
True if 2 channels are activated, false if 1 channel is activated |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
loraAdr |
Boolean |
Activation of the ADR : true if ON, false if OFF |
loraProvisioningMode |
String |
Mode of activation : value can be ABP or OTAA (default value |
loraDutycyle |
String |
Dutycycle : values can be activated or deactivated |
loraClassMode |
String |
ClassMode : values can be CLASS A or CLASS C. |
Payload | Temp4 0x2F Downlink ack frame |
Description | Temp4 0x2F Downlink ack frame. Tag temp4 associated to the device.
The 0x2F frame is sent when a downlink 0x06 (set output state) or 0x07 (generate pulse) is received and its payload requests an ACK. |
Example : | |
Input | 2F244901 |
Output |
{"type":"0x2f Downlink ack","status":{"frameCounter":1,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"configuration2ChannelsActivated":false,"timestamp":true},"downlinkFramecode":"0x49","requestStatus":"success"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Temp 3 configuration
- 0x10 Temp 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Temp 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Temp 4 keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x36 Alert message
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x57 Temp 3 periodic data
- 0x57 Temp 4 periodic data
- 0x58 Temp 3 alarm
- 0x58 Temp 4 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.configuration2ChannelsActivated |
boolean |
True if 2 channels are activated, false if 1 channel is activated |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
requestStatus |
String |
Request status. Values can be:- success
- errorGeneric
- errorWrongState
- errorInvalidRequest
- errorOtherReason
downlinkFramecode |
String |
Downlink frame code : indicates which downlink has generated this uplink |
Payload | Temp4 0x30 Temp 4 keep alive frame |
Description | Temp4 0x30 Temp 4 keep alive frame. Tag temp4 associated to the device.
Keep Alive Frame |
Example : | |
Input | 30F601B3FF9C14ABA3E9 |
Output |
{"type":"0x30 Temp 4 keep alive","status":{"frameCounter":7,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"configuration2ChannelsActivated":true,"timestamp":true},"timestamp":"2023-12-28T19:22:17.000","temperatures":[{"name":"temperature 1","unit":"°C","value":43.5},{"name":"temperature 2","unit":"°C","value":-10}]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Temp 3 configuration
- 0x10 Temp 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Temp 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Temp 4 keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x36 Alert message
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x57 Temp 3 periodic data
- 0x57 Temp 4 periodic data
- 0x58 Temp 3 alarm
- 0x58 Temp 4 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.configuration2ChannelsActivated |
boolean |
True if 2 channels are activated, false if 1 channel is activated |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
temperatures |
Array |
Sensor Temperatures |
sensorTemperature |
SensorTemperature |
SensorTemperature | |
String |
Name : temperature 1 when sensor 1, temperature 2 when sensor 2 |
sensorTemperature.unit |
String |
Degrees Celcius |
sensorTemperature.value |
Number |
Temperature value |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp |
Payload | Temp4 0x33 Set Register Status |
Description | Temp4 0x33 Set Register Status. Tag temp4 associated to the device.
Response to Set register request |
Example : | |
Input | 3380040140 |
Output |
{"type":"0x33 Set register status","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"configuration2ChannelsActivated":false,"timestamp":false},"requestStatus":"errorInvalidRegister","registerId":320}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Temp 3 configuration
- 0x10 Temp 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Temp 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Temp 4 keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x36 Alert message
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x57 Temp 3 periodic data
- 0x57 Temp 4 periodic data
- 0x58 Temp 3 alarm
- 0x58 Temp 4 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.configuration2ChannelsActivated |
boolean |
True if 2 channels are activated, false if 1 channel is activated |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
requestStatus |
String |
Request status. Values can be: - errorOtherReason
- success
- successNoUpdate
- errorCoherency
- errorInvalidRegister
- errorInvalidValue
- errorTruncatedValue
- errorAccesNotAllowed
registerId |
int |
Indicates to the user the register that caused the error, only if requestStatus is different from success. |
Payload | Temp4 0x36 Alert message frame |
Description | Temp4 0x36 Alert message. Tag temp4 associated to the device.
Available only in LoRaWAN CLASS C, this frame 0x36 indicates that UPLINK/DOWNLINK activity is forbidden due to external power supply disconnected. |
Example : | |
Input | 368000 |
Output |
{"type":"0x36 Alert message","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"configuration2ChannelsActivated":false,"timestamp":false},"alertCode":"normalState"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Temp 3 configuration
- 0x10 Temp 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Temp 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Temp 4 keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x36 Alert message
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x57 Temp 3 periodic data
- 0x57 Temp 4 periodic data
- 0x58 Temp 3 alarm
- 0x58 Temp 4 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.configuration2ChannelsActivated |
boolean |
True if 2 channels are activated, false if 1 channel is activated |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
alertCode |
String |
AlertCode: uplinkDownlinkForbidden when alert active (power supply disconnected), normalState when normal state (alert finished) |
Payload | Temp4 0x37 Software version frame |
Description | Temp4 0x37 Software version. Tag temp4 associated to the device.
This frame is sent at the start of the product only if KARE+ is enabled. |
Example : | |
Input | 3720020100020001 |
Output |
{"type":"0x37 Software version","status":{"frameCounter":1,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"configuration2ChannelsActivated":false,"timestamp":false},"appVersion":"2.1.0","rtuVersion":"2.0.1"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Temp 3 configuration
- 0x10 Temp 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Temp 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Temp 4 keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x36 Alert message
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x57 Temp 3 periodic data
- 0x57 Temp 4 periodic data
- 0x58 Temp 3 alarm
- 0x58 Temp 4 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.configuration2ChannelsActivated |
boolean |
True if 2 channels are activated, false if 1 channel is activated |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
appVersion |
String |
APP version |
rtuVersion |
String |
RTU version |
Payload | Temp4 0x57 Temp 4 periodic data frame |
Description | Temp4 0x57 Temp 4 periodic data. Tag temp4 associated to the device.
Periodic Data Frames |
Example : | |
Input | 579601B3FF9C01F4FFFF14ABA3E9 |
Output |
{"type":"0x57 Temp 4 periodic data","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"configuration2ChannelsActivated":true,"timestamp":true},"timestamp":"2023-12-28T19:22:17.000","decodingInfo":"values: [t\u003d0, t-1, t-2, ...]","temperatures":[{"name":"temperature 1","unit":"°C","values":[43.5,50]},{"name":"temperature 2","unit":"°C","values":[-10,-0.1]}]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Temp 3 configuration
- 0x10 Temp 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Temp 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Temp 4 keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x36 Alert message
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x57 Temp 3 periodic data
- 0x57 Temp 4 periodic data
- 0x58 Temp 3 alarm
- 0x58 Temp 4 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.configuration2ChannelsActivated |
boolean |
True if 2 channels are activated, false if 1 channel is activated |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
decodingInfo |
String |
List of temperatures : t0, t-1, t-2, t-3,t-4, t-5, ... |
temperatures |
Array |
Sensor Temperatures |
sensorTemperature |
SensorTemperature |
SensorTemperature | |
String |
Name : temperature 1 when sensor 1, temperature 2 when sensor 2 |
sensorTemperature.unit |
String |
Degrees Celcius |
sensorTemperature.values |
Array |
Sensor temperature values in array |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp when timestamping is enable, in EPOCH 2013 format. |
Payload | Temp4 0x58 Alarm |
Description | Temp4 0x58 Alarm. Default tag temp4 associated to the device.
This frame is sent during the appearance, or disappearance, of a threshold exceeding alarm. |
Example : | |
Input | 589400002802003214ABA3E9 |
Output |
{"type":"0x58 Temp 4 alarm","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"configuration2ChannelsActivated":true,"timestamp":true},"timestamp":"2023-12-28T19:22:17.000","alarms":[{"name":"temperature 1","alarmStatus":"none","temperature":{"unit":"°C","value":4}},{"name":"temperature 2","alarmStatus":"lowThreshold","temperature":{"unit":"°C","value":5}}]}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 Temp 3 configuration
- 0x10 Temp 4 configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x2f Downlink ack
- 0x30 Temp 3 keep alive
- 0x30 Temp 4 keep alive
- 0x33 Set register status
- 0x36 Alert message
- 0x37 Software version
- 0x57 Temp 3 periodic data
- 0x57 Temp 4 periodic data
- 0x58 Temp 3 alarm
- 0x58 Temp 4 alarm
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.configuration2ChannelsActivated |
boolean |
True if 2 channels are activated, false if 1 channel is activated |
status.timestamp |
boolean |
True if timestamp is activated |
alarms |
Array |
Sensor Alarms |
sensorAlarm |
SensorAlarm |
SensorAlarm | |
String |
Name : temperature 1 when sensor 1, temperature 2 when sensor 2 |
sensorAlarm.alarmStatus |
String |
Alarm Status. Values can be: none, highThreshold, lowThreshold. |
sensorAlarm.temperature |
Temperature |
Sensor temperature in degrees Celcius |
temperature.unit |
String |
Degrees Celcius |
temperature.value |
Number |
Temperature value |
timestamp |
String |
Timestamp when timestamping is enable, in EPOCH 2013 format. |
Payload | TIC CBE Linky Mono 0x10 TIC configuration frame |
Description | TIC CBE Linky Mono 0x10 TIC configuration frame. Tag ticCbeLinkyMono associated to the device.
The following frame (0x10) representing the application configuration of the product is transmitted when switching to operating mode (PARC mode output) or following the reception of a downlink 0x01. |
Example : | |
Input | 10A0480002010005 |
Output |
{"type":"0x10 TIC configuration","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"readError":false},"transmissionPeriodKeepAlive":{"unit":"m","value":720},"samplingPeriod":{"unit":"m","value":5},"transmissionPeriodData":2,"productMode":"PRODUCTION"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 TIC configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x49 TIC data
- 0x4a TIC alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.readError |
boolean |
Read error. True to indicate a read error. For example: checksum error, timeout, etc. Reset to false after sending a radio frame. |
transmissionPeriodKeepAlive |
Period |
Transmission period of the Keep Alive frame. |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
samplingPeriod |
Period |
Sampling period |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
transmissionPeriodData |
int |
Period of issue (periodic data). Range 0 to 1440, 2 by default. |
productMode |
String |
Product mode. Values can be: |
Payload | TIC CBE Linky Mono 0x20 Network configuration frame |
Description | TIC CBE Linky Mono 0x20 Network configuration frame. Tag ticCbeLinkyMono associated to the device.
Frame of information on the network configuration |
Example : | |
Input | 20A00101 |
Output |
{"type":"0x20 Configuration","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"readError":false},"loraAdr":true,"loraProvisioningMode":"OTAA","loraDutycyle":"deactivated","loraClassMode":"CLASS A"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 TIC configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x49 TIC data
- 0x4a TIC alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.readError |
boolean |
Read error. True to indicate a read error. For example: checksum error, timeout, etc. Reset to false after sending a radio frame. |
loraAdr |
Boolean |
Activation of the ADR : true if ON, false if OFF |
loraProvisioningMode |
String |
Mode of activation : value can be ABP or OTAA (default value |
loraClassMode |
String |
ClassMode : values can be CLASS A or CLASS C. |
Payload | TIC CBE Linky Mono 0x30 Keep Alive frame |
Description | TIC CBE Linky Mono 0x30 Keep Alive frame. Tag ticCbeLinkyMono associated to the device.
Example : | |
Input | 30A3 |
Output |
{"type":"0x30 Keep alive","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":true,"configurationInconsistency":false,"readError":false}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 TIC configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x49 TIC data
- 0x4a TIC alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.readError |
boolean |
Read error. True to indicate a read error. For example: checksum error, timeout, etc. Reset to false after sending a radio frame. |
Payload | TIC CBE Linky Mono 0x49 Periodical data frame |
Description | TIC CBE Linky Mono 0x49 Periodical data frame. Tag ticCbeLinkyMono associated to the device.
This frame is sent according to the period chosen by the user, and contains the configured periodic data. |
Example : | |
Input | 498830323130323838313138353680000000000006960000004A48432E2E0000000000001784000000088000000080000000 |
Output |
{"type":"0x49 TIC data","status":{"frameCounter":4,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":true,"readError":false},"ADCO":"021028811856","OPTARIF":"","BASE":{"unit":"Wh","value":1686},"ISOUSC":{"unit":"A","value":74},"IINST":{"unit":"A","value":1212362286},"IMAX":{"unit":"A","value":0},"PAPP":{"unit":"VA","value":6020},"HCHC":{"unit":"Wh","value":8},"HCHPstatus":"notFound","PTEC":""}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 TIC configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x49 TIC data
- 0x4a TIC alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.readError |
boolean |
Read error. True to indicate a read error. For example: checksum error, timeout, etc. Reset to false after sending a radio frame. |
String |
Adresse du compteur - Counter address |
ADCOstatus |
String |
Status Not found si absence d'adresse de compteur - Not found when no counter address |
Energy |
Index option base - Base option index |
energy.unit |
String |
Watt-heure |
energy.value |
int |
Energy value |
BASEstatus |
String |
Status Not found si absence d'index option base - Not found when no base option index |
MaxPower |
Puissante apparente - Apparent power |
maxPower.unit |
String |
Volt-Ampere |
maxPower.value |
int |
Power value |
PAPPstatus |
String |
Status Not found si absence de puissante apparente - Not found when no apparent power |
String |
Option tarifaire - Selected tariff option |
OPTARIFstatus |
String |
Status Not found si absence d'option tarifaire - Not found when no selected tariff option |
Intensity |
Intensité souscrite - Subscribed current |
intensity.unit |
String |
Ampere |
intensity.value |
int |
Intensity value |
ISOUSCstatus |
String |
Status Not found si absence d'intensité souscrite - Not found when no subscribed current |
Intensity |
Intensité instantanée - Instantaneous current |
intensity.unit |
String |
Ampere |
intensity.value |
int |
Intensity value |
IINSTstatus |
String |
Status Not found si absence d'intensité instantanée - Not found when no instantaneous current |
Intensity |
Intensité Maximale appelée - Maximum current called |
intensity.unit |
String |
Ampere |
intensity.value |
int |
Intensity value |
IMAXstatus |
String |
Status Not found si absence d'intensité maximale appelée - Not found when no maximum current called |
Energy |
Index Heures Creuses - Off-peak times |
energy.unit |
String |
Watt-heure |
energy.value |
int |
Energy value |
HCHCstatus |
String |
Status Not found lorsque pas d'index heures creuses - Not found when no off-peak times |
Energy |
Index Heures Pleines - Peak times |
energy.unit |
String |
Watt-heure |
energy.value |
int |
Energy value |
HCHPstatus |
String |
Status Not found lorsque pas d'index heures pleines - Not found when no peak times |
String |
Période tarifaire en cours - Current tariff period |
PTECstatus |
String |
Status Not found lorsque pas de période tarifaire en cours - Not found when no current tariff period |
Intensity |
Intensité instantanée phase 1 - Instantaneous current phase 1 |
intensity.unit |
String |
Ampere |
intensity.value |
int |
Intensity value |
IINST1status |
String |
Status Not found si absence d'intensité instantanée phase 1 - Not found when no instantaneous current phase 1 |
Intensity |
Intensité instantanée phase 2 - Instantaneous current phase 2 |
intensity.unit |
String |
Ampere |
intensity.value |
int |
Intensity value |
IINST2status |
String |
Status Not found si absence d'intensité instantanée phase 2 - Not found when no instantaneous current phase 2 |
Intensity |
Intensité instantanée phase 3 - Instantaneous current phase 3 |
intensity.unit |
String |
Ampere |
intensity.value |
int |
Intensity value |
IINST3status |
String |
Status Not found si absence d'intensité instantanée phase 3 - Not found when no instantaneous current phase 3 |
Intensity |
Intensité maximale appelée phase 1 - Maximum current called phase 1 |
intensity.unit |
String |
Ampere |
intensity.value |
int |
Intensity value |
IMAX1status |
String |
Status Not found si absence d'intensité maximale appelée phase 1 - Not found when no maximum current called phase 1 |
Intensity |
Intensité maximale appelée phase 2- Maximum current called phase 2 |
intensity.unit |
String |
Ampere |
intensity.value |
int |
Intensity value |
IMAX2status |
String |
Status Not found si absence d'intensité maximale appelée phase 2 - Not found when no maximum current called phase 2 |
Intensity |
Intensité maximale appelée phase 1- Maximum current called phase 3 |
intensity.unit |
String |
Ampere |
intensity.value |
int |
Intensity value |
IMAX3status |
String |
Status Not found si absence d'intensité maximale appelée phase 3 - Not found when no maximum current called phase 3 |
Power |
Puissance maximale atteinte - Maximum power reached |
power.unit |
String |
Watt |
power.value |
int |
Power value |
PMAXstatus |
String |
Status Not found si absence de puissance maximale atteinte - Not found when no maximum power reached |
String |
Couleur du lendemain - Colour of the day after next |
Energy |
Index Tempo Heures Creuses Jours Bleus - Blue Day Off-peak Times |
energy.unit |
String |
Watt-heure |
energy.value |
int |
Energy value |
Energy |
Index Tempo Heures Pleines Jours Bleus - Blue Day Peak Times |
energy.unit |
String |
Watt-heure |
energy.value |
int |
Energy value |
String |
Date et heure courante (JJ/MM/AA HH:MM:SS) |
ES_s |
Energy |
Energie active soutirée (au primaire) depuis dernier top Td |
energy.unit |
String |
Watt-heure |
energy.value |
int |
Energy value |
ERpos_s |
ReactiveEnergy |
Energie réactive positive (au primaire) depuis dernier top Td en période de soutirage d'énergie active |
reactiveEnergy.unit |
String |
Var-Hour [varh] |
reactiveEnergy.value |
int |
Reactive Energy value |
ERneg_s |
ReactiveEnergy |
Energie réactive négative (au primaire) depuis dernier top Td en période de soutirage d'énergie active |
reactiveEnergy.unit |
String |
Var-Hour [varh] |
reactiveEnergy.value |
int |
Reactive Energy value |
EAPP_s |
ApparentEnergy |
Energie apparente soutirée (au primaire) depuis dernier top Td |
apparentEnergy.unit |
String |
Volt-Ampere-Hour [VAh] |
apparentEnergy.value |
int |
Apparent Energy value |
String |
Période tarifaire courante (chaîne associée de 3 caractères alphanumériques) |
EAP_s |
ActiveEnergy |
Energie active soutirée de la période P pour la période tarifaire en cours |
activeEnergy.unit |
String |
kilo-Watt-Hour [kWh] |
activeEnergy.value |
int |
Active Energy value |
ERposP_s |
ReactiveEnergyK |
Energie réactive positive de la période P pour la période tarifaire en cours en période de soutirage d'énergie active |
reactiveEnergyK.unit |
String |
kilo-Var-Hour [varh] |
reactiveEnergyK.value |
int |
Reactive Energy value |
ERnegP_s |
ReactiveEnergyK |
Energie réactive négative de la période P pour la période tarifaire en cours en période de soutirage d'énergie active |
reactiveEnergyK.unit |
String |
kilo-Var-Hour [varh] |
reactiveEnergyK.value |
int |
Reactive Energy value |
EaPneg1_s |
ActiveEnergy |
Energie active soutirée de la période P-1 pour la période tarifaire en cours |
activeEnergy.unit |
String |
kilo-Watt-Hour [kWh] |
activeEnergy.value |
int |
Active Energy value |
ERposPdash1_s |
ReactiveEnergyK |
Energie réactive positive de la période P-1 pour la période tarifaire en cours en période de soutirage d'énergie active |
reactiveEnergyK.unit |
String |
kilo-Var-Hour [varh] |
reactiveEnergyK.value |
int |
Reactive Energy value |
ERnegPdash1_s |
ReactiveEnergyK |
Energie réactive négative de la période P-1 pour la période tarifaire en cours en période de soutirage d'énergie active |
reactiveEnergyK.unit |
String |
kilo-Var-Hour [varh] |
reactiveEnergyK.value |
int |
Reactive Energy value |
Payload | TIC CBE Linky Mono 0x4A Alarm frame |
Description | TIC CBE Linky Mono 0x4A Alarm frame. Tag ticCbeLinkyMono associated to the device.
Frame sent in case of crossing a threshold, appearance / disappearance of a label, positive or negative delta between the current data and a previous data, or after receiving frame 0x05. |
Example : | |
Input | 4AA049494E53540000000000013130 |
Output |
{"type":"0x4a TIC alarm","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"readError":false},"label":"IINST","alarmType":"labelAppearance","value":"10"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 TIC configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x49 TIC data
- 0x4a TIC alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.readError |
boolean |
Read error. True to indicate a read error. For example: checksum error, timeout, etc. Reset to false after sending a radio frame. |
label |
String |
Title of label concerned by the alarm. |
alarmType |
String |
Cause of the sending of this frame. Values can be : - manualTrigger
- labelAppearance
- labelDisappearance
- highTreshold
- lowTreshold
- endThresholdAlarm
- deltaPositive
- deltaNegative
value |
String |
Data corresponding to the label |
Payload | TIC CBE Linky Tri 0x10 TIC configuration frame |
Description | TIC CBE Linky Tri 0x10 TIC configuration frame. Tag ticCbeLinkyTri associated to the device.
The following frame (0x10) representing the application configuration of the product is transmitted when switching to operating mode (PARC mode output) or following the reception of a downlink 0x01. |
Example : | |
Input | 10A0480002010005 |
Output |
{"type":"0x10 TIC configuration","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"readError":false},"transmissionPeriodKeepAlive":{"unit":"m","value":720},"samplingPeriod":{"unit":"m","value":5},"transmissionPeriodData":2,"productMode":"PRODUCTION"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 TIC configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x49 TIC data
- 0x4a TIC alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.readError |
boolean |
Read error. True to indicate a read error. For example: checksum error, timeout, etc. Reset to false after sending a radio frame. |
transmissionPeriodKeepAlive |
Period |
Transmission period of the Keep Alive frame. |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
samplingPeriod |
Period |
Sampling period |
period.value |
int |
Period duration |
period.unit |
String |
Time unit: s for second, m for minute, ms for millisecond |
transmissionPeriodData |
int |
Period of issue (periodic data). Range 0 to 1440, 2 by default. |
productMode |
String |
Product mode. Values can be: |
Payload | TIC CBE Linky Tri 0x20 Network configuration frame |
Description | TIC CBE Linky Tri 0x20 Network configuration frame. Tag ticCbeLinkyTri associated to the device.
Frame of information on the network configuration |
Example : | |
Input | 20A00101 |
Output |
{"type":"0x20 Configuration","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"readError":false},"loraAdr":true,"loraProvisioningMode":"OTAA","loraDutycyle":"deactivated","loraClassMode":"CLASS A"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 TIC configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x49 TIC data
- 0x4a TIC alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.readError |
boolean |
Read error. True to indicate a read error. For example: checksum error, timeout, etc. Reset to false after sending a radio frame. |
loraAdr |
Boolean |
Activation of the ADR : true if ON, false if OFF |
loraProvisioningMode |
String |
Mode of activation : value can be ABP or OTAA (default value |
loraClassMode |
String |
ClassMode : values can be CLASS A or CLASS C. |
Payload | TIC CBE Linky Tri 0x30 Keep Alive frame |
Description | TIC CBE Linky Tri 0x30 Keep Alive frame. Tag ticCbeLinkyTri associated to the device.
Example : | |
Input | 30A3 |
Output |
{"type":"0x30 Keep alive","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":true,"configurationDone":true,"configurationInconsistency":false,"readError":false}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 TIC configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x49 TIC data
- 0x4a TIC alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.readError |
boolean |
Read error. True to indicate a read error. For example: checksum error, timeout, etc. Reset to false after sending a radio frame. |
Payload | TIC CBE Linky Tri 0x49 Periodical data frame |
Description | TIC CBE Linky Tri 0x49 Periodical data frame. Tag ticCbeLinkyTri associated to the device.
This frame is sent according to the period chosen by the user, and contains the configured periodic data. |
Example : | |
Input | 4940303231373238303331383139000012340000002B0000002C0000002D0000001100000012000000130000002000000010 |
Output |
{"type":"0x49 TIC data","status":{"frameCounter":2,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"readError":false},"ADCO":"021728031819","BASE":{"unit":"Wh","value":4660},"IINST1":{"unit":"A","value":43},"IINST2":{"unit":"A","value":44},"IINST3":{"unit":"A","value":45},"IMAX1":{"unit":"A","value":17},"IMAX2":{"unit":"A","value":18},"IMAX3":{"unit":"A","value":19},"PMAX":{"unit":"W","value":32},"PAPP":{"unit":"VA","value":16}}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 TIC configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x49 TIC data
- 0x4a TIC alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.readError |
boolean |
Read error. True to indicate a read error. For example: checksum error, timeout, etc. Reset to false after sending a radio frame. |
String |
Adresse du compteur - Counter address |
ADCOstatus |
String |
Status Not found si absence d'adresse de compteur - Not found when no counter address |
Energy |
Index option base - Base option index |
energy.unit |
String |
Watt-heure |
energy.value |
int |
Energy value |
BASEstatus |
String |
Status Not found si absence d'index option base - Not found when no base option index |
MaxPower |
Puissante apparente - Apparent power |
maxPower.unit |
String |
Volt-Ampere |
maxPower.value |
int |
Power value |
PAPPstatus |
String |
Status Not found si absence de puissante apparente - Not found when no apparent power |
String |
Option tarifaire - Selected tariff option |
OPTARIFstatus |
String |
Status Not found si absence d'option tarifaire - Not found when no selected tariff option |
Intensity |
Intensité souscrite - Subscribed current |
intensity.unit |
String |
Ampere |
intensity.value |
int |
Intensity value |
ISOUSCstatus |
String |
Status Not found si absence d'intensité souscrite - Not found when no subscribed current |
Intensity |
Intensité instantanée - Instantaneous current |
intensity.unit |
String |
Ampere |
intensity.value |
int |
Intensity value |
IINSTstatus |
String |
Status Not found si absence d'intensité instantanée - Not found when no instantaneous current |
Intensity |
Intensité Maximale appelée - Maximum current called |
intensity.unit |
String |
Ampere |
intensity.value |
int |
Intensity value |
IMAXstatus |
String |
Status Not found si absence d'intensité maximale appelée - Not found when no maximum current called |
Energy |
Index Heures Creuses - Off-peak times |
energy.unit |
String |
Watt-heure |
energy.value |
int |
Energy value |
HCHCstatus |
String |
Status Not found lorsque pas d'index heures creuses - Not found when no off-peak times |
Energy |
Index Heures Pleines - Peak times |
energy.unit |
String |
Watt-heure |
energy.value |
int |
Energy value |
HCHPstatus |
String |
Status Not found lorsque pas d'index heures pleines - Not found when no peak times |
String |
Période tarifaire en cours - Current tariff period |
PTECstatus |
String |
Status Not found lorsque pas de période tarifaire en cours - Not found when no current tariff period |
Intensity |
Intensité instantanée phase 1 - Instantaneous current phase 1 |
intensity.unit |
String |
Ampere |
intensity.value |
int |
Intensity value |
IINST1status |
String |
Status Not found si absence d'intensité instantanée phase 1 - Not found when no instantaneous current phase 1 |
Intensity |
Intensité instantanée phase 2 - Instantaneous current phase 2 |
intensity.unit |
String |
Ampere |
intensity.value |
int |
Intensity value |
IINST2status |
String |
Status Not found si absence d'intensité instantanée phase 2 - Not found when no instantaneous current phase 2 |
Intensity |
Intensité instantanée phase 3 - Instantaneous current phase 3 |
intensity.unit |
String |
Ampere |
intensity.value |
int |
Intensity value |
IINST3status |
String |
Status Not found si absence d'intensité instantanée phase 3 - Not found when no instantaneous current phase 3 |
Intensity |
Intensité maximale appelée phase 1 - Maximum current called phase 1 |
intensity.unit |
String |
Ampere |
intensity.value |
int |
Intensity value |
IMAX1status |
String |
Status Not found si absence d'intensité maximale appelée phase 1 - Not found when no maximum current called phase 1 |
Intensity |
Intensité maximale appelée phase 2- Maximum current called phase 2 |
intensity.unit |
String |
Ampere |
intensity.value |
int |
Intensity value |
IMAX2status |
String |
Status Not found si absence d'intensité maximale appelée phase 2 - Not found when no maximum current called phase 2 |
Intensity |
Intensité maximale appelée phase 1- Maximum current called phase 3 |
intensity.unit |
String |
Ampere |
intensity.value |
int |
Intensity value |
IMAX3status |
String |
Status Not found si absence d'intensité maximale appelée phase 3 - Not found when no maximum current called phase 3 |
Power |
Puissance maximale atteinte - Maximum power reached |
power.unit |
String |
Watt |
power.value |
int |
Power value |
PMAXstatus |
String |
Status Not found si absence de puissance maximale atteinte - Not found when no maximum power reached |
String |
Couleur du lendemain - Colour of the day after next |
Energy |
Index Tempo Heures Creuses Jours Bleus - Blue Day Off-peak Times |
energy.unit |
String |
Watt-heure |
energy.value |
int |
Energy value |
Energy |
Index Tempo Heures Pleines Jours Bleus - Blue Day Peak Times |
energy.unit |
String |
Watt-heure |
energy.value |
int |
Energy value |
String |
Date et heure courante (JJ/MM/AA HH:MM:SS) |
ES_s |
Energy |
Energie active soutirée (au primaire) depuis dernier top Td |
energy.unit |
String |
Watt-heure |
energy.value |
int |
Energy value |
ERpos_s |
ReactiveEnergy |
Energie réactive positive (au primaire) depuis dernier top Td en période de soutirage d'énergie active |
reactiveEnergy.unit |
String |
Var-Hour [varh] |
reactiveEnergy.value |
int |
Reactive Energy value |
ERneg_s |
ReactiveEnergy |
Energie réactive négative (au primaire) depuis dernier top Td en période de soutirage d'énergie active |
reactiveEnergy.unit |
String |
Var-Hour [varh] |
reactiveEnergy.value |
int |
Reactive Energy value |
EAPP_s |
ApparentEnergy |
Energie apparente soutirée (au primaire) depuis dernier top Td |
apparentEnergy.unit |
String |
Volt-Ampere-Hour [VAh] |
apparentEnergy.value |
int |
Apparent Energy value |
String |
Période tarifaire courante (chaîne associée de 3 caractères alphanumériques) |
EAP_s |
ActiveEnergy |
Energie active soutirée de la période P pour la période tarifaire en cours |
activeEnergy.unit |
String |
kilo-Watt-Hour [kWh] |
activeEnergy.value |
int |
Active Energy value |
ERposP_s |
ReactiveEnergyK |
Energie réactive positive de la période P pour la période tarifaire en cours en période de soutirage d'énergie active |
reactiveEnergyK.unit |
String |
kilo-Var-Hour [varh] |
reactiveEnergyK.value |
int |
Reactive Energy value |
ERnegP_s |
ReactiveEnergyK |
Energie réactive négative de la période P pour la période tarifaire en cours en période de soutirage d'énergie active |
reactiveEnergyK.unit |
String |
kilo-Var-Hour [varh] |
reactiveEnergyK.value |
int |
Reactive Energy value |
EaPneg1_s |
ActiveEnergy |
Energie active soutirée de la période P-1 pour la période tarifaire en cours |
activeEnergy.unit |
String |
kilo-Watt-Hour [kWh] |
activeEnergy.value |
int |
Active Energy value |
ERposPdash1_s |
ReactiveEnergyK |
Energie réactive positive de la période P-1 pour la période tarifaire en cours en période de soutirage d'énergie active |
reactiveEnergyK.unit |
String |
kilo-Var-Hour [varh] |
reactiveEnergyK.value |
int |
Reactive Energy value |
ERnegPdash1_s |
ReactiveEnergyK |
Energie réactive négative de la période P-1 pour la période tarifaire en cours en période de soutirage d'énergie active |
reactiveEnergyK.unit |
String |
kilo-Var-Hour [varh] |
reactiveEnergyK.value |
int |
Reactive Energy value |
Payload | TIC CBE Linky Tri 0x4A Alarm frame |
Description | TIC CBE Linky Tri 0x4A Alarm frame. Tag ticcbelinkytri associated to the device.
Frame sent in case of crossing a threshold, appearance / disappearance of a label, positive or negative delta between the current data and a previous data, or after receiving frame 0x05. |
Example : | |
Input | 4AA049494E53540000000000013130 |
Output |
{"type":"0x4a TIC alarm","status":{"frameCounter":5,"hardwareError":false,"lowBattery":false,"configurationDone":false,"configurationInconsistency":false,"readError":false},"label":"IINST","alarmType":"labelAppearance","value":"10"}
Output json fields : | |
Fields |
name | type | description |
type |
String |
MessageType. Values can be: - 0x10 TIC configuration
- 0x20 Configuration
- 0x30 Keep alive
- 0x49 TIC data
- 0x4a TIC alarm
- Unsupported
status.frameCounter |
int |
Frame counter, it increments at each transmission and allows the user to seE quickly if a frame has been lost. It counts from 0 to 7 before looping back. |
status.hardwareError |
boolean |
Hardware error has occurred, for example a writing problem in the EEPROM, a reading problem on the ADC, etc. The product must be returned to the service dept. |
status.lowBattery |
boolean |
Battery voltage is less than 2.5V, otherwise 0. This information remains permanent. |
status.configurationDone |
boolean |
True if configuration was carried out during the last downlink frame |
status.configurationInconsistency |
boolean |
True to indicate that the configuration of the application is wrong. For example, if samples lost in periodic data frame because the payload is not sufficient, or the total number of bytes to go up in the periodic data frame is too great |
status.readError |
boolean |
Read error. True to indicate a read error. For example: checksum error, timeout, etc. Reset to false after sending a radio frame. |
label |
String |
Title of label concerned by the alarm. |
alarmType |
String |
Cause of the sending of this frame. Values can be : - manualTrigger
- labelAppearance
- labelDisappearance
- highTreshold
- lowTreshold
- endThresholdAlarm
- deltaPositive
- deltaNegative
value |
String |
Data corresponding to the label |